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Saturday, November 26, 2016

Officials nix Route 50 bridge sidewalk expansion proposal

Despite concerns about bicyclists mixing with traffic on the Route 50 bridge, the State Highway Administration has no plans to increase access for them and it has the statistics to back up its position.

The Ocean City Council’s Coastal Resources Legislative Committee “Green Team” broached the idea of improving the bridge’s sidewalk during its November meeting, since several tourists and J-1 visa student workers were seen biking in the road this past summer.

Legally, bikers are supposed to ride in the roadway. Once they reach the bridge, cyclists are to dismount and walk their bikes on the sidewalk, according to signs posted at both entryways. But that’s not always the case, said Green Team member and Ocean City Surf Club President Wyatt Harrison said.

“I’ve seen plenty of people with backpacks on bicycles on the sidewalk or on the bridge in the past. They’re supposed to use the sidewalk, but with the fishermen there, there’s no chance,” Harrison said during the Green Team meeting on Nov. 9.



  1. About one bicyclist in fifty walks his or her bike across the bridge. Some of those who don't are really rude about people being in their way.
    I notice that there's never any enforcement on or at the ends of the bridge by OCPD of bike rules, including the requisite bell, reflectors or lights.
    Bells should probably be removed from state law, but lights and reflectors are a safety must.

  2. The truith is. "bikers do not follow rules of the road" i have seen them run red lights, left turn in front of on coming traffic basically saying i dare you

  3. I have never seen a fisherman use a beach chair on the sidewalk. There's just not enough room for that to allow foot traffic, let alone bikes. The fishermen are very accommodating and polite to the bicycle riders, giving them all the room that they need to pass.
    Something should be done to expand that walkway so that everyone is safe and not inconvenienced.

  4. What is wrong with a fence between the bikers and fishermen to protect them from the traffic, and then they can just learn to share the space safely.

  5. bigger problem is the drawbridge, not spending money to widen anything. AND MD needs to buy right of way so the NEW bridge fits properly. That right of way will cost lots of $$$$$$ and the waiting game continues.

  6. There's no sense in widening the bridge to allow for more vehicular traffic if 90% of it goes north after crossing over into OC. There's no cure for the traffic/pedestrian bottleneck there.
    Best now to leave the roadway the way it is, but improve pedestrian lanes to better accommodate bikes and fishermen.


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