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Thursday, November 24, 2016

MSP Thanksgiving DUI Initiative Press Release 11-24-16 (Berlin Barrack)


  1. Traffic wasn't hellish enough lets set up a money making DUI checkpoint.

  2. Is there a reason that the State Police publicize this? I am just guessing that there is a reason that they are required to do this, but would it not make more sense to not do so? The reason I ask is that I am retired and am quite happy to be home spending quiet evenings with my family, but am wondering if it would not be more effective to not publicize this and conduct saturation patrols. Maybe I am just an old fart, and out of touch, and I do support taking drunk drivers off the road, but am just curious and maybe just naive (again, I am just old and gray - we limit our driving to daylight hours and are just quiet, law abiding citizens) - I know that this is an open post, and am sure that all manner of folks will chime in all about how the police unjustly attack everyone...I am not interested in seeing that, so please refrain from comments about LE out to get us all...just am curious ... I guess I am just old , and uninformed, but if any LE or any other knowledgeable source could share it would be enlightening

  3. 47 warnings for exactly driving on a holliday 3 duis out of 54 yea big operation

  4. To protect and collect should be their motto.

  5. I think their about to do those saturation patrols in neighborhoods where theres alot of gray heads. They'll likely do those on Holidays to. They should show up unannounced, barge right in....interrupt you in your dream state, your thought travels or when your giddy over your meal. Did you pay all your taxes for those gifts your giving away? Surely your guilty of something..just sitting there pretending your happy-go-lucky...they'll not likely need to put your name in the paper because having this beat-down in front of your families should be sufficient as to put the fear of the third reich in you. Shame on you sitting there pretending your naive. Disgusting!!


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