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Tuesday, November 08, 2016

Md. pepper-sprayed girl seeks compensation, police training

HAGERSTOWN, Md. (AP) — A 15-year-old Maryland girl who was pepper-sprayed during a struggle with police is demanding compensation and new police training procedures.

Attorneys Robin Ficker and Denise Banjavic (BAN’-jah-vik) told Hagerstown city officials in a letter dated Thursday that the girl and her parents intend to file a lawsuit alleging denial of due process unless their demands are met.

Written notice is a prerequisite to suing a Maryland municipality.

Ficker said Monday the amount of compensation hasn’t been determine



  1. You heard it here first, I mentioned a law suit would follow. And...... not that she should win I hope she burns their dumb asses for dropping the charges.
    Good luck Mr. Trump!

  2. They should have locked the little brat up. I bet they haven't even paid for the damage she did to the mans cat that SHE hit.


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