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Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Maryland Medical Cannabis Commission hires diversity consultant

Maryland's Medical Cannabis Commission announced on Monday that it is hiring a diversity consultant.

Critics point to the lack of minority-owned businesses among those named as finalists to grow and process pot.

The diversity consultant will determine if, and how, the commission could do a disparity study. The state is in a classic catch 22 situation. A racial disparity study could help put extra weight to minority applications. But the study can't be done until there is an industry to examine.

The commission gave preliminary license approval to 102 dispensaries. The panel also addressed criticism over the lack of diversity among those already named as finalists to grow and process medical marijuana.



  1. On the application there is no place where they ask for your race. The Commission chose what seemed the most qualified. However politics probably played a big part in it.

  2. Another typical government activist solution. Just legalize it and do away with the whole program.....Oh wait, that would prevent the government from collecting money.

  3. Legalization should mean everybody is free to grow it in their own yards for their own purposes.

    So, we're still not free, are we?

    We are under government control, and paying them to control us.

    This is unconstitutional.

  4. Take the RACE CARD away... this will fix everything .....

  5. As as left handed person who represents about 11% of the population, I expect 11% of the dispensaries to be owned by left handed people.

  6. Typical maryland communist approach. Control, tax tax stiffle. The state needs to get out of the way

  7. Oh Yes, we Must be Diverse, No matter what we do ...in this
    Politically Correct HellHole the USA has become.......

    Even in DOPE !!!!


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