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Friday, November 25, 2016

Mainstream Media Execs, Anchors Spotted Going For "Off The Record" Meeting With Donald Trump

Update 2: According to CNN, on the subject of media access to Trump, a source said there was "real progress" made during the meeting with TV execs.
* * *
Update: around 2:15pm Eastern, the execs have been spotted departing from the meeting:
Here are the TV execs and anchors who have entered the elevators at Trump Tower to go to an off-the-record meeting with the president-elect pic.twitter.com/hzjWi8ByOr
They're now departing, a little more than an hour after the meeting was scheduled to start.
* * *

Bloomberg political reporter Jennifer Epstein reports that a gaggle of mainstream media TV executives and anchors entered the Trump Tower elevators shortly before 1pm for a meeting with Donald Trump. Among those named were the who-is-who of the prime time news circuit, including the following.


  1. Maybe he fired them all! LOL!

  2. Sexually transmitted illnesses (STDs) are quite common.

  3. The Heart affords HIV and HCV (Hepatitis C) testing.


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