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Saturday, November 19, 2016

Like we expected anything else from this race-baiting tool

"It would be a monumental moral and political mistake to pursue the prosecution of Hillary Clinton."

- Rev. Jesse Jackson


  1. Where was he this election ? Usually he is wverywhere supporting his candidate yet this election I never saw him.. guess even the Democrats didn't want his public support

  2. Now we know she is guilty...

  3. This is his warning to all the liberal liars whom have for a second considered acting responsibly and lawfully, doing their job and thereby prosecuting....many will fall....

  4. He knows where the money is flowing, so he's sucking up to them.

    I guess he thinks some white people are OK.

  5. CNN says she never broke the law. Why need a pardon

  6. When we are done with her he is next.

  7. Hurry up and hit the road to Canada, your Al Sharpton II.

  8. No he knows of they go after Hillary his partner in crime Sharpton and himself will follow

  9. Waaay too much on the table already for Trump to pursue this.We're going to have to come to grips with what he actually can do vs the big talk en route to the election.Prosecution of Hillary should be on the back burner.

    1. assign an investigator....all Trump than would do is RUBBER STAMP HILLARY TO THE HANGING


  10. Old JJ should be an expert.

    His son resigned Congress to begin a 30 month jail term, and his daughter-in-law was sentenced to a year.

    Their activities were so easy to understand even old Chicago buddy Obama let the prosecution proceed.

  11. He is somewhat correct, as it would affect Trumps momentum in a negative way. Trump knows this, and he is already giving indication of this.

  12. This guy is a snake in the grass!! Continually stirring up prejudice and racism but behind the scenes sticks his head so far up the extremely wealthy white communities ass you can't tell where he starts and they end!!0


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