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Sunday, November 13, 2016

Let's Help Them Pack

These are some of the people that claimed they would move if Donald Trump was elected President.  Let's wish them well in their new country and help them pack!  ADIOS!


  1. Oh please, GO now, and do not let the door hit you, and please, do not bother even thinking about coming back.

  2. When does the bus leave?

  3. Bye Bye! Need help to pack up? I will be happy to help!! Sooner the better!

  4. Hope the door slams them in the ass on the way to the Canadian bus!!! LOL

  5. I can't say that I'll miss a one of them.

  6. Don't let Sharpton leave so that he can be prosecuted for income tax evasion

  7. Don't let Al Sharpton pack anything. It probably belong to someone else anyway!

  8. Goodbye and good riddance!

  9. But if Sharpton can't leave and is convicted then he becomes a ward of the state. Then we'll have to pay for his upkeep even more.

  10. They aren't going anywhere. The one thing that "Trumps" their ideals is money, and America is where the money is.

  11. Don't forget Rosie said she'd be on that bus as well!

  12. Should Donald Trump offer the use of his airplane to help get these " celebrities " and hasbeens out of the country ? Only allow 2 suitcases and one carry on. They must forfeit their passports and all assets they have accumulated while being a citizen of this great country. They are not allowed to take more than 45k with them. All other monies will go to helping the VETS that helped protect this great country of ours and to other worthwhile, " not for profit " chairitys that truely are there to help the less fortunate people get back on their feet.

  13. rosie needs a bus just for herself to fit that fat face and fat a-- in what a beautiful person she is

  14. Boycott them all. Don't buy Jay-Z or Beyonce albums, boycott the Times, boycott CNN, vote out the Republicans who backed the criminal. Anyone who was in a position of power or influence and used to back her needs to be turned off and tuned out.
    That being said, we need to take ordinary Democrats under our wing and show them by example that our policies and ideas work.

  15. Please go quickly!

  16. I won't miss either one of them.

  17. Arrest them all for sedition! Traitors! Build interment camps for them and the rest of the stinking liberals!

  18. 6:35 you are right they ain't going nowhere they are staying right here and get as much money as they can and will continue to bitch.

  19. They still have to get thru Canadian immigration and customs.
    The border is tight into they think the promised land

  20. how can we miss you if you won't go away. thanks sjd

  21. Make Crooked Al pay his taxes first ... little twerp

  22. Hallelujah!!! Good bye!! Now President Trump audit them all.

  23. Absolute boycotts of each and everyone and all like them.

  24. Hillary's basket of deplorable's.

  25. Between all of them, they have more tongue than high top shoes!

  26. I feel sorry for canada

  27. No relevance in those subjects. Purr trash. Cracks me up that the purr trash think they know whats best and we should listen to them. I get peeved when you go into a doctor, shop, etc waiting room and a TV is on. Most of the time it is tuned into crap like this. I was waiting for a test at the cardiologist, I forget what crap was on but when I was called for a stress test, the nurse looked at the TV and said, nothing wrong with your heart if you can stand that. She jokingly said that was the first part of the test.

  28. Before Al sharpton leaves he has 5 yrs in prison to do and $4.5 million in back taxes to pay.

  29. Sam jaxkson screw you.

  30. They say what Democrats do. Nothing. They talk a lot of schitz and don't do schitz. I say go. Leave this country. You've done nothing except talk and talk and talk a lot of B. S. Just Go.

    From A Black Female Registered Democrat Single Veteran, who's extremely glad for President Elect Donald Trump.

  31. @1:23 Thank you for that post and for your service :)

  32. They ARE the Problem with this country , Not just Hillary
    and the Democrats .... they All are Welcome to GO...be our

    Ones like them are the ones who have been Ruining our USA
    We Real Americans, and Trump are getting ready to FIX it
    and TAKE OUR COUNTRY BACK .....stay tuned ......

  33. See Ya !! don't want to Be Ya !!

    When yo all Gone the rest of us can have some peace !!!

    Ya'll are the reason this country has been going down last 8 years ....U stupid and voted for Hilary .. Go , Leave

  34. Racist Sharpton and Woopy go first /// do us a Favor !!!

  35. These A-holes all got Rich here in OUR America
    So what have they got to cry about...Nothing
    Most of us hard working Middle Class Deplorables
    will never have enough money to get by , so I dare these
    idiots to complain.........

  36. Let them live in Iran and dare to complain... see what they
    get there........spoiled rotton crybabies !!!

  37. Just think, we had many die in combat in many wars to save this country and the world ... only to have spoiled brats
    like these dare to complain and ruin this country all they
    can to enrich themselves along with those other Dems......
    These are the real Deplorables in the USA ...Fact

  38. They are lucky Hitler or the Japs back then did not win
    WW2 .... they would be the First to Go ....

    and would not dare complain about it either !!

  39. No loss they can share a parachute, heighth dropped from plane doesn't count.


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