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Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Jordan: Congress Has 'Obligation' To Investigate Clinton

Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan says that Congress has “an obligation” to continue investigating Hillary Clinton, despite Donald Trump’s recent comments suggesting that he will go easy on the former secretary of state.

“Congress has an obligation to do oversight,” Jordan, a Republican member of the House Judiciary Committee, said in an interview with Fox News on Wednesday.

“When you think about equal treatment under the law, it’s incumbent upon us to get to the facts and get to the truth here so that the American people know that, in fact, there is a standard in place called equal treatment under the law.”

Jordan’s pledge comes a day after Trump appeared to reverse course on a campaign promise to prosecute Clinton for exchanging classified information on a private email server.



  1. Absolutely, I agree with Jim Jordan.

  2. Obama will take care of that.....don't worry

    it's called a PARDON !!

  3. I disagree. It's the FBI and DOJ. All we need is real cabinet leaders in charge to do the work, or, better said, enforce already done work by the FBI and DOJ to be brought to Justice.

  4. All this will happen, whoever will be the department in charge.

  5. So far Clintons are Teflon....up till now

    It would be a First...if Anything is Ever done to them....

    Time will tell .... Nothing Sticks to Teflon !!!

  6. Drain the Clinton Swamp !!!

  7. They BUY everyone off with that Foundation money
    so nothing happens to them EVER !!

    They could NOT BUY the Election though ,even though they
    did try.....they did not spend enough.....

  8. They already bought Congress with those Democrats in there
    to Protect them.......They bought DOJ and FBI too ....


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