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Monday, November 28, 2016

Injured 'Punkin Chunkin' producer disappointed show is off, faces long recovery

(CNN)Suzanne Dakessian's memory of the explosion is hazy. She ran as a large metal plate flew toward where she and other TV crew members were standing.

For a split second, she turned to see where the debris might land. That's when the plate struck her head.

"I tried to run and I didn't make it," Dakessian said.

The 39-year-old New York television producer nearly died this month on a clear blue Sunday in a Delaware soybean field, where she was chronicling the 2016 World Championship Punkin Chunkin for the Science Channel. The event featured giant air cannons, catapults, trebuchets, slingshots and other devices launching gourds long distances.



  1. I hope she gets well soon.

  2. Funny how the words "explosion" and "cannon" seem to go together.

  3. She's swoll up like a pumpkin.

  4. I have never seen or heard of such a ridiculous event. So typical of the Eastern Shore. God help these pumpkin heads who support something so incredibly stupid. I do not live on the Eastern Shore but legend has it, most of the inhabitants are pretty uneducated and basically, pretty dumb. Anyone who stands to watch a pumpkin being shot out of a cannon definitely has seeds for brains.

    1. Dear 5:3pm well aren't you special perpetuating hateful myths. Despite my Masters degree from College Park, I'd be happy to teach you some good old fashioned manners. You see, while most of us are actually well educated. We also have a healthy sense of right and wrong and how to stand up for ourselves.

    2. 5:38 I completely agree with you. This would only happen on arm pit of America. 😭😭😭

  5. I agree with 538 and I'm a lifelong resident. this is the hillbilly capital of the world

    1. 6:12...If it's so bad...leave. I Don't hear anyone begging you to stay.

    2. 6:12. YEEESSSSSS!!!

  6. 5:38, 6:12, Thank you for your sympathy.

  7. Science?? Sounds like redneck mayhem to me!


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