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Saturday, November 26, 2016

Important Info About Jill Stein's Fraudulent Donation Drive for Recount


  1. The Clintons are behind this and promised Ms Stein something in return.

  2. He could have said all of this in five minutes, not 30.

  3. She was a candidate, the money she's using was crowd sourced, and an audit will go a long way to restoring faith in our voting process. It seems like a worthwhile endeavor to me.

  4. 1:42 hmmmm, if you had bothered to listen to the vid, there is no way to "audit" the election since there is nothing to audit. There is no paper trail. Try and keep up.

    Also, you will never stop voter fraud. Never.

  5. 221 There's no trail in Pennsylvania, not true in Wisconsin and Michigan. In Wisconsin Stein's petition is focusing on absentee ballots. The fear is that hackers were able to access the the voter rolls and send in fraudulent ballots. There's an article in the Guardian about it, you probably missed it. Not sure what the objection is here.


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