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Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Hillary Rodham Clinton Just Got BAD NEWS – She Thought It Couldn’t Get Any Worse…

Looks like Hillary’s legal woes are not going away any time soon. I’m so not broken up over that. Call me heartless. I think that Judicial Watch and others ought to hound her to the grave and beyond. And I think President Trump should appoint a Special Prosecutor to nail her ass. Just because she lost the election, doesn’t mean she is absolved of her crimes. She was guilty then and she’s guilty now. Let justice be done for a change.

The Clintons are running the world’s largest money laundering scheme and slush fund. The Clinton Machine has sought to shake down every country in the world, as well as every wealthy donor that wanted a favor in return. They have stalled releasing evidence for years just trying to run out the clock so they would never have to answer for their crimes. They have left a trail of corruption over decades and Hillary Clinton is complicit in the murders of four Americans in Benghazi. She has repeatedly violated the Espionage Act. Anyone else would have been in prison long ago for the list of crimes the Clintons are undeniably guilty of.



  1. I won't be moving on until justice is done according to the laws that govern us all.

  2. Not heartless to see her pay for the crimes she committed. She has damaged people her entire life. She needs to pay the consequences we would pay if we acted like a common criminal!! PERIOD!

  3. If they don't continue to procecute her I think I will move to Canada.

  4. .....And the clock is slowly running down for the pardon from Odumbass

  5. Trump already said he won't push for anything...

    “I don’t want to hurt the Clintons, I really don’t,” Mr. Trump said during the interview. “She went through a lot and suffered greatly in many different ways, and I am not looking to hurt them at all. The campaign was vicious.”

  6. Not pushing for something doesn't mean that he won't stand back and let it happen.

  7. It has to wait until January 21, when Obama can't pardon. Meanwhile, investigation should be ongoing unless Comey is so afraid of following Scalia without an autopsy...


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