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Thursday, November 03, 2016

Hillary Clinton Could Get 20 Years In Prison

Obstruction charges could be in Hillary's near future

Clinton has no one to blame but herself since it was her decision to set up a private home-brew server.

Now she may face charges of obstruction of justice if the FBI finds that Hillary Clinton altered, destroyed or concealed any emails that should have been turned over to the FBI during the original investigation.



  1. Fine (it should happen) But Don't Hold Your Breath !!!

  2. She needs to be charged and found guilty first. I've been reading these "could be" for a year. According to evening news she is still on campaign trail planning to be next POTUS.

  3. How could they find otherwise??

  4. Hillarys answer to the new investigation is for the FBI to release emails?! And they can't right now because they are working on the case. However Seeing how they belong to Hillary WHY doesn't she tell WE THE PEOPLE what the FBI has? Or the Islamic staffer and crooked clinton do a press conference turning over everything. TRANSPARENCY

  5. Bill Clinton did not get one minute for perjury. They are both criminals and the Democrats don't care.

  6. ...Just a completely unsubstantiated opinion here...

    Trump wins by a comfortable margin

    HRC subsequently goes haywire

    FBI formally indites her by the end of January

    All of HRC's inner circle gets thrown under the bus

    HRC gets a massive fine and some slap on the wrist house arrest

    ...and we never hear of her again....

    ...we could all only be so lucky...

  7. In her game of 'Monopoly' all the cards she draws are 'get out of jail free', she and her croonies must have some 'skeletons' from every higher ups closet. We never hear who they are just always hearing 'higher ups' put pressure or made the decision...who are these people, Soros and company?


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