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Thursday, November 03, 2016

Harry Reid finishes disgraceful career with a vicious smear

Practiced smear merchant Sen. Harry Reid (D-Nev.), whose disgraceful political career will come to a blessed end upon his impending retirement, is characteristically sliming his way to the finish line.

Reid has accused FBI Director James Comey of suppressing damaging information about Donald Trump ahead of next week’s election. “It has become clear that you possess explosive information about close ties and coordination between Donald Trump, his top advisors and the Russian government,” Reid wrote in an acerbic letter to Comey. His evidence? Unspecified “communications” with unnamed officials.

Reid wields precisely zero credibility in leveling this allegation. Four years ago, reportedly with the blessing of the Obama campaign, Reid repeatedly stoked speculation that Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney had avoided paying taxes.

“The word’s out” that Romney “hasn’t paid any taxes for 10 years,” Reid claimed, citing unnamed sources in support of his utterly baseless charge. Sound familiar?



  1. Its hot in Nevada and even hotter where he is going.

  2. I wish he would take a long walk in the dessert and lay down and die!!!

  3. The Nevada voters should all be ashamed of themselves.

  4. What dessert would be good? Devil's Food cake?

  5. Reid has big worries ahead as the boys that took out his eye are going to reconcile with him after he no longer a senator.
    Enjoy your retirement dingy Harry, I suspect it won't last long

  6. Harry Reid is such a tool!

  7. Tool! That's a Democrat for you: scream nonsense until someone believes you. Don't let the door hit you in the a$$ on the way out!!

  8. There is a special place in hell for slimy worms such as this one.

  9. Anyone else hate Democrats as much as I do?

  10. Who cares what the demented old fool has to say anyhow?

  11. Well...he and his devil twin sister, Pelosi have one foot on a banana peel and another in the grave anyway.


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