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Sunday, November 13, 2016

From Martin O'Malley's Facebook Page


  1. can this a hole go away already. We do not need him in politics any longer.

  2. lol, i hope he decides to take it over, more fail

  3. That's great.. a real loser for the DNC chair... that will energize their base... they are in deep....

  4. HAHAHAHA!!!!

    Great! Go for it Mick!

  5. So, Mr. O'Malley, what have you been doing for the last 25 years?

  6. He should have chosen the new house prize like Bernie.

  7. 11:45 he has been raping the middle class of MD. Thats what he has been doing.

  8. The DNC has had poor leadership and not he wants to make it worse. Look how he screwed up Maryland and ran off businesses with his Rain Tax and unconstitutional gun laws.

  9. S.O.B. Really likes to here the sound of his own voice. Lmao.

  10. I just threw up!! I hope he gets it and then screws them like he screwed Maryland!

  11. He raised the tax in MD from 5% to 6%.

  12. DNC apparently does need improvement and has started by getting that loser out of office. DNC doesn't need that sad dude, they bumped their own guy Bernie out for the fat candidate.They succeeded in getting HRC questions before hand at debates. They surely will figure out more dishonest ways to continue their failures. Former MD leader, keep that broke butt out of sight. You have done enough damage to My Maryland.

  13. Love it! Hope they select him. It will be the final nail in the coffin. ROFLMAO

  14. The idiot doesn't realize that his kind of progressive policies is why the dems are losing elections. He can not see the forest for the trees. He is a real loser.

  15. No credibility, no common sense, stinkin' thinkin'...

  16. Bahahahaha! Thanks for the laugh 😂

  17. otaxie is soooooooooo stupid he can't seem to remember he was running for President and he couldn't cut it. No one in the state much less the country likes him, his message, or his inability to get a job and stop showboating all the time.

    What's wrong marty? wifey judge not giving you enough pocket change to support your expensive habits???

  18. Would someone give this person a job?


  20. Don't believe the DNC will see daylight for a long time after all that's been discovered about them during this election. Marty must be smoking something other than cigs to think he's in any way qualified to provide leadership. Does he have some sick check list? Ruin Baltimore - Check, Ruin Maryland - Check, Check - next Ruin DNC? Banter from the village idiot is just the forum for Facebook urban legend.

  21. He said college was going to be free and now he is in 500k student debt for his kids. The man is broke and jobless. He should go teach at some liberal college in California with the rest of the the terroist. Btw my parents didn't pay for my college. It was all me.

  22. can he bring hogans furniture back

  23. You people criticising and insulting this fine Marylander, which IS justified, but you seem to forget he represents YOU and was elected by YOU! Yes, he sucks, Maryland sucks, and most of the population sucks as evidenced by their choices. Own it. If you don't like it, make better choices.


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