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Sunday, November 06, 2016

Emails Show Miley Cyrus Dorm Room Campaign for Clinton Was Staged

Pop star Miley Cyrus’s visit to George Mason University last month to knock on students’ dorm room doors in a get-out-the-vote effort for Hillary Clinton probably didn’t come as much of a shock to the students with whom she spoke, because each of the students was selected to participate in advance — and some at the school are upset at what they say was a “staged” photo opportunity for Clinton-supporting fans of the singer.

As Breitbart News previously reported, Cyrus was at George Mason University on Saturday, October 22 to campaign for Clinton by knocking on students’ dorm room doors and speaking with them about the importance of early voting.



  1. There is nothing real about the democrats. They are all liars an cheats. The news media is nothing more than democrat propaganda.
    The Ozone hole, Global Warming, obesity. All made up bull crap to pass laws restricting you and me.

  2. She looks like such a clown.

  3. no surprise. Everything they do is built on lies and deceit. Out with the old.

  4. There's the rancid smell of desperation sweat in the air when a piece of work like this is part of a political campaign.

  5. can't that girl keep her tongue inside her head?!?!?

  6. She has sold her soul to Satan in the sake of her career and success can't believe anything she says it is a lie

  7. What does she really think sticking out that tongue is going to do?

  8. You people on here talk about how nasty the democrats are, I suggest you read your comments. Pot meet kettle!!!

  9. She looks like a freak! What normal person would believe anything coming out of her mouth? If this is the example of what today's youth look up to, folks, we have a much larger problem.

    1. The youth that like her are too uninformed, lazy, and useless to be of any threat to you. The real activist youth hate her.

  10. Her persona has overtaken her talent. She's now a cartoon.

  11. Clinton and Cyrus both trash.

  12. Cyrus is a part of the Hollywood Illuminati.
    She does exactly what she is told to do.
    She says exactly what she is told to say.

  13. I used to watch The Voice on TV but as soon as I found out she was one the judges I said nope, never again will I watch.

    1. Gwen will be "booting" Miley for the next season. So now we get to watch her and Blake sling innuendos...again.

  14. Maybe shes trying to catch a flie

  15. Admittedly Miley is cute. I'm sure she felt out of place however on a college campus. Can she even read? What is the fascination with sticking her tongue out or does the poor think have a disability?

    1. Cute?! She looks like Billy Ray in drag!

  16. So Donalds comments are horrible but Clinton has no problem with the words of JayZ or with Hannah Montana half naked, bent over and grinding herself against a married man 20 years her senior on an awards show nearly exclusively watched by children.
    The "H" stands for Hypocrisy.

  17. Everything Clinton does is staged and rehearsed. She couldn't function otherwise. We already saw her response to the Benghazi attack. None! And four Americans were killed. She's a loser and crook!


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