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Wednesday, November 02, 2016

Early voting update: Black vote declining with 24.4 million ballots cast

Washington (CNN)A dip in African-American turnout has knocked Democratic early voting numbers off their 2012 pace in key battleground states like North Carolina.

The trend is also evident in early vote data from other swing states that could play key roles in deciding the election, including Florida and Georgia.

More Latino voters, however, are among the more than 24.4 million American voters who have already cast their ballots -- including 12.4 million in battleground states -- according to a CNN analysis of the latest early voting numbers.


  1. Whites are and will always be the majority in america NO matter what the dems and fake news try and tell you.

    1. Enjoy those rose colored glasses! Minorities are having children at twice (or more) the rate of whites. Add in immigration. We will be a minority in 2045. If humans can manage NOT to kill each other first.

  2. But they weren't voting cause oblahblah was black right?

  3. I see a lot of the blacks are waking up and want better. The African Americans have been used for years by the liberals and they know it.

  4. You guys wanted a black president , you got one . He had absolutely no experience in any field that a president needs. His legacy shows it , he accomplished nothing but destroying our country. If you want total destruction
    then Hillary is your pick . We now have a choice Freedom or socialist communism. Trump is our only salvation !!!

  5. I filled out my voters info card a long time ago, and I do not recall them asking for my race.
    Do they do this now? How do they know which race is voting?

  6. Maybe they are wising up that all the promises of limousine democrats was all BS to get their vote.


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