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Saturday, November 26, 2016

DHS may leave known smuggling route into U.S. unprotected

DHS may leave known smuggling route into U.S. unprotected

An active smuggling route at the U.S. southern border with Mexico will be largely abandoned by the government at the end of this month, an agent with U.S. Border Patrol has informed WND.

The so-called “S2 route” runs along a two-lane county road through a remote area. More than 900 illegal immigrants have been apprehended on the route over the past year, said the agent, who works out of the USBP’s El Centro sector but asked not to be identified.

“For basically the last year we’ve been out there covering that route. Now we were told by the end of this month we’re not going to cover it anymore,” said the agent, who said he has personally patrolled the route in the past. “Nobody is going to be on this road come Oct. 1.

“Maybe there’s something being planned that I’m not aware of,” the agent told WND. “But I asked a supervisor what the plans are for this smuggling route and he said ‘I’m not hearing anything.’ They know this is a major route but so far I’m not hearing anything.”



  1. More of Obama's BS!

  2. Time for civilians to take over that route.At least until January 21.

  3. Obama is allowing this to happen to get even more illegals here and voting in 2020.

  4. If illegals start getting shot and killed on that road will they cover it then? If that road becomes so dangerous that you might die just for being on it there won't be many illegals there. It could happen.

  5. They have to be able to bring in the drugs.
    It is many billions of dollars on income for the bankers.


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