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Saturday, November 19, 2016

Democrat Education Reform Leader: Trump’s Agenda ‘Threatens Grave Harm’ to Nation’s Children

The president of Democrats for Education Reform (DFER) is urging members of his Party to refuse to serve in the U.S. Department of Education under President Donald Trump, citing an agenda he describes as threatening “grave harm” to children.

Shavar Jeffries writes in a statement Thursday in response to the fact that lists of potential education secretary candidates in the future Trump administration include some Democrats, such as Michelle Rhee, the former chancellor of Washington, D.C. schools, and Eva Moskowitz, CEO of Success Academy Charter Schools.

“It is, generally speaking, an honor for any person of any political persuasion to be asked by the President of the United States to consider a Cabinet-level appointment, but in the case of President-elect Trump, DFER encourages no Democrat to accept an appointment to serve as Secretary of Education in this new administration,” Jeffries asserts. “In so doing, that individual would become an agent for an agenda that both contradicts progressive values and threatens grave harm to our nation’s most vulnerable kids.”

He continues:


  1. Couldn't get any worse,they are threatened everyday by liberals teaching them nonsense and allowing them to cry and protest when things don't go thier way...whatever happened to "suck it up". .oh that's right, the democrat ed reform leader is crying boo hoo over trump.LoL, could Trump really do any worse..

  2. The most vulnerable kids he's talking about are the ones that refuse to learn and are there to disrupt the class. When the school system became political the discipline was lost. When discipline and respect are lost to quotas of gender and race then learning is lost.

  3. Okay, then. Instead of being part of the solution, fold your arms, turn your back and stick out your lower lip while waiting for everything to come your way on your terms, and get everyone you know to do the same thing, even when you don't know yet what the agenda is. How childish.

  4. "The policies and rhetoric of President-elect Trump run contrary to the most fundamental values of what it means to be a progressive committed to EDUCATING(emphasis added) our kids and strengthening our families and communities."

    What he really means is I am a liberal and I don't like Trump even though I don't really know what his education plans are. I don't like Trump and my values run contrary to the majority of the country and I am a socialist committed to indoctrinating your kids and making them a part of Clintons village.

  5. You'd think that this guy would want as many Dems as possible working in the Department of Education, instead of boycotting it. Maybe he's afraid that they'll see a light.

  6. Sure! If harm is stopping the brain washing and allowing them to think on their own. Then sure the will be harmed from your perspective.

  7. The harm is already being done. Look at the numbers. No other evidence need be presented.

  8. Was Rhee not fired by the DC school system because she had a strict learning theory that did not conform to liberals indoctrination?


  9. Obama appointed his 6'5" basketball buddy Arne Duncan to be Sec of Education; he served from Jan 2009-Jan 2016. His credential? He'd been in charge of Chicago's horrible schools while Obama was voting 'present' in the IL legislature.

    By 2014 both the major teacher unions had called for him to resign because of his fixation on Common Core and standardized testing.

    That's Democrat educational leadership and philosophy in action for you! And yes, like Obama, he went to private schools.

    So calling on Dem prospects to reject consideration to show how much they love kids certainly could make sense to the Democrat Abortion Party.

    Oddly enough, Ms. Rhee was considered a good leader when she managed DC schools. More important for the Rats to frustrate Trump than to serve the kids!

  10. Rhee instituted reforms that held teachers accountable that is why she was forced out.

  11. Do away with the dept of education all togather.It is the states job and the federal govt should stay the hell out of it.


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