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Sunday, November 20, 2016

Colleges Offering Therapy to Students ‘Traumatized’ by Election Results

Cornell holds a "cry-in," Tufts offers arts and crafts

Colleges throughout the country are offering students a variety of therapeutic activities after Donald Trump was elected president on Tuesday night.

The Wall Street Journal highlighted a number of examples from across the country.

Students at Cornell University gathered to hold a “cry-in” with students drinking hot chocolate and using tissues handed out by school staff. The University of Kansas announced that it would regularly bring in therapy dogs to campus while Tufts University had arts and crafts on hand.

Such initiatives have immediately attracted criticism for students being too emotional over the election results and unable to withstand disappointment. Schools defended the gentle treatment by saying that students have real concerns about Trump’s presidency.

Some teachers even cancelled classes so that students could “recover,” the Journal reported.

Still, Alan Peel, an astronomy lecturer at the University of Maryland canceled a test scheduled for Wednesday morning, writing to students that he worried some of their performances may be affected by “the monumental effort necessary to accept what must be a personally threatening election result.”



  1. What wimps! Get over it and move on.

  2. Give them enlistment papers and tell them to grow a pair.

  3. If they need therapy after something as benign as a presidential election, they're going to need it throughout their entire lives.

  4. Wow! This is absolutely hilarious and extremely sad at the same time.

  5. College students are not babies it was an election not shootings in schools or colleges, they need to get on with their life elections are every 4 years some go your way and some don't suck it up. Quit giving young people pity parties, they want to act like adults they want to smoke marijuana, drink and party and do drugs, this is just babying them what are they going to do when they flunk out or graduate to get jobs put them on welfare!

  6. Man we are so screwed when these useful commie idiots become fully grown TARDS

  7. Rather expensive day care centers.

  8. I wonder how long it will take for this to become a diagnosis in the DSM-4?

  9. My 6yo son is more of a man

  10. Please, God, don't let this hit the international news. We already look like a nation of fat whiners. Now, we can add "sissy and VERY sensitve" to our international rep.
    These are the cream of the crop of this generation? We're in trouble, boys. How will they cope with people who will insult them, yell at them, tell them to improve their sloppy work, and be on time or be fired? Cry? Fold up in a corner? Have breakdown?
    I'm pissed that the professors and administrators are so afraid of a politically correct backlash (or have lived in lala land so long) that they (the very ones we charge to do this) fail to address these losers as they should be ---- this is the president and it ain't gonna change. ADULTS accept loss and defeat. Don't like it? Then protest. Or work at winning the next one. ON YOUR OWN TIME. Now, grow up and get back to class or fail the semester. Destroy anything on the way back to your class and today will be the last day HERE I promise. You will still spend some time in town, however, at the jail. We will NOT provide counseling or a "safe space" for you to cry, either, as we also expect our adult students to act like adults, not like some juveniles who've been told they won't get dessert.

    Yeah, I know. Not in this world.
    Keep cheering.

  11. Yes 656, one now gets what they pay for - very expensive day care.


  12. Comfort foods will be exclusively served in the dining halls through the end of the 2017 semester. After-meal naps are encouraged.

  13. Salisbury University sent out emails to everyone there offering counseling. Ugh!

  14. The counseling should be in the vein of acceptance being a part of growing and growing up, and as an opportunity to become a force in their own right, rather than a perennially disgruntled, hurt, second place finisher.

  15. Salisbury University sent an email to students offering counseling over the election and telling them to call University police if they felt "unsafe".

  16. A bunch of damn sissies out here want to all go cry together because they didn't get their way. Grow Up, it's the real world with real happenings going on.

  17. Wah,wah,wah. Crybabies. Go back to yur basement!

  18. I am sick and tired of these wussified wimps. Thank God they were not around when WWII broke out. We would have been conquered in 6 months.

  19. Aw Aww poor spoiled rotton Babys .......

    they will live ...and had better be thankful they Got to Go
    to college .... Most of us could Not afford to ....and we
    are the smartest ones in USA , Not them ...We have a Working
    Man's PHD .....From the Real World College !!!

  20. This is the Spoiled Rotton Generation of today....

    The Great Generation who had to fight WW2 and Save us ALL

    is sadly Gone , this country is in serious Trouble today !

    People had better wise up quick ... Russia and China are

  21. Guess what it's going to happen again in 4 years it's called life

  22. Puleeeeeeeez! bunch of sissies.

  23. Suck it up buttercup.

  24. Awl the poor spoiled rottons are Traumatized !!!
    Get a life.....They will live......
    Maybe now with Trump they will even have a job to go to
    when they get out of their college........No thanks to the
    Clintons and NAFTA ......!!!

    Then they can pay back those college Loans ... Duhh !!

  25. Bet they will LOVE Trump if he brings back jobs to America
    as he pledges !!

    See how fast they change up then..........

  26. Most are too busy having Keg Parties and Orgys to give a
    heck one way or the other , and don't go there to Learn,
    they go there to PARTY !!!

    Then when they get out .....Oh now I got to find a Job !!

  27. Alot of Degrees are Waisted
    Alot need to go to the college of common sense and get
    a Working Man's PHD !!!
    They would then Vote for Trump !!
    They All need a J O B when all the college Fantasy is over !!! Better bring back those JOBS to America ........

  28. Just give them some hookers and some free kegs .....
    they will be fine........


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