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Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Breaking News: Dr. Ben Carson has turned down consideration to be a part of Donald J. Trump's cabinet, Fox News confirms


  1. I'm glad he turned it down.
    He was offered a position because he was such a nice man.

    However, he simply speaks too slowly to be involved in a government organization.

  2. I could see him as Surgeon General but he isn't qualified for any other position.

  3. Didn't think he was qualified to run a government agency yet he was running for President? It was just a ruse to sell books.

  4. Hope he accepts something. This white guy thinks he may be sharper than some comments suggest.

  5. 3:36 I agree. He is one sharp individual and frankly a champion (more so that Pres. Obama) for the African American communities. He is a deep thinker and would be an asset for sure.

  6. Being as intelligent as he is, he will not take a position that will hinder his ability to be a contender in the future and limits what he can and can't change. He knows that trump's claims of repealing obamacare in whole will never happen. There will be a watered down version to replace it but it will not be repealed.

  7. Apparently he is smarter than I thought!
    He is seeing that this administration will end in corruption.


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