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Saturday, November 26, 2016

Blog: What message does Trump's failure to prosecute Clinton send to DC?

"If I win, I am going to instruct my attorney general to get a special prosecutor to look into your [Hillary Clinton's] situation." This is what Donald Trump said last month. Now he says the exact opposite, that he is not going to prosecute her.

"I don't want to hurt the Clintons, I really don't,'' Mr. Trump said during a wide-ranging interview with The New York Times. "She went through a lot and suffered greatly in many different ways, and I am not looking to hurt them at all.

Some Trump voters will feel betrayed, thinking Trump walked back a very, very explicit and recent campaign promise. Others will not be concerned, feeling that Clinton is old news and small potatoes given the important tasks Trump has to focus on.

Neither side will convince the other. Instead, I want to talk about the awful message this sends to the bureaucracy in Washington.



  1. I don't think anybody should be worried about this whatsoever. President Trump has way too much to worry about and much more pressing issues in the Clintons. I believe with him saying this can actually help bring some of the country back together and to shut up about the Clintons for a while. Plus a big thing is is that he cannot help if the FBI continues the investigation with the Clintons. He is smart to say that he doesn't want to do with anything about it but he also knows that the FBI more than likely will. He is a smart man.

  2. He did not say he wouldn't prosecute her , he said he didn't want to hurt the clintons anymore. He will reel her in when the time is right.

  3. Obama has threatened to pardon her so Trump remains silent.

  4. If Hillary could count votes and win she would do everything to hurt Trump.

  5. He's not Potus yet so he cant do anything yet as anyway

  6. It tells me he really was a politician after all.
    Promising one thing, then delivering another.

    Just because he is not a criminal (like his contestant) doesn't mean he deserved my vote.
    And he did not get it either.

    Voting for the lesser of 2 evils, is still voting for evil.

  7. The Clintons have hurt themselves, not to mention many, many others here and abroad.

  8. If Trump is backpedaling I am pissed.

    Reminds me of Hogan and Culver. One term idiots.

  9. HE'S NOT THE PRESIDENT YET! Until he is, he has the same powers to prosecute Hillary as you and I do; NONE!

  10. Obama can't pardon Hillary if she hasn't been charged with anything. Let's see what happens after January 20.

  11. I wish he did not retract what he had stated and found a procecutor to sentence her, others have done less and are doing and done their time. After all it was murder for 4 Americans directly by her not taking action to save them, it was the role of the Secretary of State, she cannot point the finger anywhere else.


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