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Monday, November 28, 2016

Black Friday stunt convinces people to donate $100,000 for 'Holiday Hole'

(CNN)The makers of the irreverent and lewd game Cards Against Humanity celebrated Black Friday with another unconventional stunt this year: By digging a massive hole in the ground for no reason whatsoever.

The project, dubbed the "Holiday Hole," saw online donors contribute more than $100,573 -- or, as organizers called it, "money thrown in the hole" -- for the frivolous dig.

"As long as money keeps coming in, we'll keep digging," Cards Against Humanity says on HolidayHole.com, its dedicated splash page for the project.


  1. Great idea.
    So long as stupid Americans are willing to "donate" their hard earned money to a group like this, they should keep coming up with crazy things to do.
    Kudos to them!

  2. Liberals dont even realize they already contribute. Its called taxes.

  3. Somebody installing a pool is genius!!! All the idiots sending funds for his project!!!!


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