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Thursday, November 17, 2016

Arabic Translator: Muslim Migrants Secretly Hate Christians, Seek to Outbreed Them

A translator who has lived in Germany since the 1990s has revealed that Muslim migrants believe “Germany should be Islamised”, and loathe their hosts, according to a new report.

Working with asylum seekers in migrant centres, the 39 year old translator says she learnt that Muslims seek to “destroy” Christians, through having more children, and preach hatred towards people of other faiths.

Catholic website Kath.net, which has been looking into reports that Christians are discriminated against in German refugee camps, arranged a meeting with the Eritrean after being contacted by a German politician aware of the Catholic news agency’s work.

Grateful for the “open-minded reception and support” she was given by Germany after arriving as a refugee in 1991, the woman began to volunteer in asylum centres five years ago to “give something back”.



  1. We Christians really need to get some serious breeding happening, because we're falling way behind. Of course, when our livelihoods are taxed to the max to support those who will overtake us, we're in the slow lane and will be overtaken.

  2. Europe better wake up.

  3. Duh!

    Why do people keep rejecting the obvious

  4. At least we have Trump

  5. This is the truth - and liberals are like, no this cant be real, love will cure all. Have a Coke and sing the world a song.

  6. Christians know the last days are near.
    They know better than to bring life into this ugly mess.
    Evil abounds

  7. Our Country is a Christian Country
    and We are going to Stay that way...
    Whoever don't like that can Get Out and go someplace else..
    We don't appologize for it either...We are Proud Of It

    We not letting Anyone Erase it either... like it has been tried already....we did not go anywhere..we still HERE !!

    Obama worked against it and so did Hillary and the Dems...
    They just LOST.....we taking OUR Country Back......NOW !!!

  8. The Enemys can Breed somewhere else like Siberia....
    The USA don't have to put up with them...and we are NOT !!

  9. Same exact thing occurring here in the United States. Thank your elected government officials over the last eight years for allowing so many Muslims in. Certain parts of Michigan look more like Iraq or Iran. Muslims plan to conquer from within.
    Don't trust any of them!

  10. We know that. It's why we don't want them here!

  11. One world religion, Islam, is the goal of Muslims.


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