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Friday, November 25, 2016

Antarctic Sea Ice Has Not Shrunk In 100 Years

Antarctic Sea Ice Has Not Shrunk In 100 Years

Antarctic sea ice had barely changed from where it was 100 years ago, scientists have discovered, after pouring over the logbooks of great polar explorers such as Robert Falcon Scott and Ernest Shackleton. Experts were concerned that ice at the South Pole had declined significantly since the 1950s, which they feared was driven by man-made climate change. But new analysis suggests that conditions are now virtually identical to when the Terra Nova and Endurance sailed to the continent in the early 1900s, indicating that declines are part of a natural cycle and not the result of global warming. –Sarah Knapton, The Daily Telegraph, 24 November 2016

1) Antarctic Sea Ice Has Not Shrunk In 100 Years, Scott And Shackleton Logbooks Prove
The Daily Telegraph, 24 November 2016

2) Trump To Scrap NASA Climate Research In Crackdown On ‘Politicized Science’
The Guardian, 23 November 2016

3) GWPF Climate Briefing: A Brief History Of Arctic Angst
GWPF Climate Briefing, November 2016



  1. Well, that's just common sense! A cold drink is always colder on the bottom, and my feet are always colder than my head.

  2. Global warming or climate change as they call it now is a scam. It was used by the liberal left to redistribute the wealth for the New World Order or the one worlders. They took billions from the United States and would give it to third world countries under the guise of helping them control their carbon foot print and climate control. Then their leaders of these third world countries would keep the money to make themselves rich or spend it on other things like supporting terrorism or creating nuclear weapons. There is no man-made climate change. The earth just goes in cycles and this is proof that climate change is a hoax.

  3. 8:25

    You must think the earth is hanging by a string in space and being pulled down by an outside gravity source

  4. 8:25 AM says,

    Got one to bite. That didn't take long.

  5. 8:25 Stop it. I been doing that for years on here except I don't tell them they been had. More funner that way.

  6. Climate change is a tax scam designed to take peoples money and limit American industry.


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