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Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Americans Bought Enough Guns on Black Friday to Arm the Marine Corps!

Black Friday, a day of commercial consumerism. The lines are wrapped around the buildings waiting for the deals of a lifetime. While you might think most consumers are out there waiting for the latest new toy or the biggest TV, many buyers on Black Friday are buying something totally different.

Black Friday is apparently the day to buy guns. Lots of guns!

According to the FBI spokesman Stephen Fischer, Black Friday shattered the single-day record for gun sales – with 185,713 background checks processed in a 24 hour period. Fischer told Business Insider that nearly 400 more transactions were processed on Black Friday than in 2015.



  1. People are waking up and arming themselves everywhere.
    Get prepared for chaos.
    Order out of Chaos.

  2. and a couple of dozen people got dozens of weapons free. After a truck smashed into to store and dozens of thieves rushed in and took everything they could carry. In Tampa, Fla. They were gone in seconds. The whole thing happened and their security cameras captured the whole thing.

  3. GOOD... we will need them someday to protect America !!

  4. Stock up ... we good Americans have the Right to !!!
    Enjoy !!!
    The bad apples don't buy in a store most of the time...
    unless they are stupid!!!
    They buy from the trunk of a car with No background check!!

    Fact is>> it takes a good person with a gun, to stop a bad
    one with a gun... Good people already buy in a store and
    with a background check , Criminals obviously Don't, and
    will Always have access to guns /weapons regardless of Law

    Obviously any markings or serial numbers won't be on a smart criminal's gun ,,, DUGH !!! You think ???

  5. Lock and LOad America !!! Make America Great Again !!!

  6. Better Buy them
    Before the criminals Break In and Steal them with No Background Checks .........

  7. Rock ON America !!!

    Buy all you can while you still can (all you good people)

    because the criminals Always can !!! ....don't ya think ??

  8. Buy all you can while you still can (all you good people)

    because the criminals Always can !!! ....don't ya think ??

    November 30, 2016 at 12:42 PM

    Ya know, every criminal started out as a "good people". And more "good people" will become criminals. No one can predict which "good people" will suddenly turn violent/criminal. Attempts at restricting certain groups abilities to purchase/possess is nothing more than a feel-good policy for civilians, and a back door gun control maneuver for the powers that be.

    Most people and even you stated it, "criminals" will possess firearms anyway, regardless of any law. You don't think government and law enforcement knows that?

    I take the 2nd amendment very literally. It says "it shall not be infringed". So-called laws "infringe" on the 2nd amendment in my eye. (and yes, those "laws" have been tested in courts and passed. I still reject them.)

    And I don't think anyone would mind if one of these "restricted" persons who are not supposed/allowed to possess a firearm, used one to save their life from a criminal that wished to do harm.

    This is just my opinion and in the current atmosphere if would not stand up in court. But those courts will be a lifetime away when someone is pointing a gun at you.

  9. The PEOPLE decide what "stands in court".
    Juries decide.
    And you should KNOW what jury nullification is and how it works.

    NO ONE goes to prison for killing a bad guy if I'm on a jury and I don't care how badly the State's Attorney is spushing for a conviction.
    I wouldn't care if the guy shot the punk with a stolen gun.
    He's going to be home for dinner tonight.
    Power to the people, baby.


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