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Saturday, November 26, 2016

A Viewer Writes: Bumper Sticker

Attached is a bumper sticker I saw today just north of Delmar.


  1. I like it. Brings out Dems like trees more than Human Life.

  2. Great. Lets force women to have babies they don't want or can't afford to care for. We can all pay more taxes to clothe, feed and educated them.

  3. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Great. Lets force women to have babies they don't want or can't afford to care for. We can all pay more taxes to clothe, feed and educated them.

    November 26, 2016 at 11:06 AM

    past tense of educate is wrong form.

    How about women and men don't have unprotected sex if they don't want and/or cannot afford to take care of children? Is a little personal responsibility too mcuh to ask? What about morals?

    Regardless, who do you think pays for the majority of the cost of an abortion? What happened to their families helping out with "unwanted" children? Do they just allow their kids to do whatever with no consequences? Killing an otherwise healthy fetus is what?

  4. 11:06, its so easy to say what you said and not comprehend that getting pregnant isn't something that just happens, POOF! Don't want or can't afford a baby? Well, keep your pants up and your legs closed. See? That's easy!!!!! If you are weak and just gotta have sex, then use contraception. Why do people put themselves through the hassles of having an abortion when not getting pregnant is so easy and totally trouble free? Again, liberalism is a mental disorder.

  5. Abstinence was tried and failed as a policy to stop unwanted pregnancy. You can pray the gay away or the baby away. If you ban abortion, then don't complain about paying for the unwanted children. Gonna need to build more and bigger schools.

  6. 3:07
    It's called being a responsible person! There are ways to prevent getting pregnant. If you do get pregnant it is on YOU! It is up to no one else to pay for any of your choices in life. If someone can't afford to take care of a child they can put it up for adoption. There are thousands of childless couples that would happily raise that child.

  7. You are still going to pay more taxes to educate all those children. Who is going to pay the medical bills for those moms with no money? You are because the hospitals and insurance companies are going to pass the costs along to you. Stop playing the responsibility game because that clearly hasn't worked.

  8. It's a life! We will always pay taxes for something. But this issue of killing babies is bigger than money. It's destroying a human being that God placed a spirit in. Unborn babies at only 12 weeks in the womb have a little heart pumping blood into the brain. And some can be seen sucking their thumbs. Imagine a full-term baby who can hear and feel being partially born and then killed and its body parts sold for research. That is plain murder and should not be lawful. Period!

  9. God left the brains out of some of you!


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