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Saturday, November 19, 2016

19-year-old sentenced to death in Kent State student slaying

Beaming from ear to ear without a scrap of remorse, this twisted teenager smiled as he was sentenced to death for killing a Kent State University student.

Damantae Graham, 19, was one of three teens charged with murdering Nicholas Massa, 18, after they broke into his friend's apartment near Akron, Ohio.

Police said Mr Massa was in the wrong place at the wrong time when Graham shot him on Super Bowl Sunday, February 7.

A Portage County judge sentenced Graham to death on Tuesday after considering mitigating factors including his age, neglectful parents and an unstable home life.

Police say Graham and two 17-year-old co-defendants broke into an apartment near Kent State's campus and demanded money. Graham shot and killed Massa before the three fled.

Graham was convicted on charges of aggravated murder, aggravated burglary, aggravated robbery and kidnapping on November 8.


1 comment:

  1. A bad home life is NO EXCUSE. He's getting what he deserves. And it can't be soon enough!


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