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Thursday, October 13, 2016

Worcester County Bureau of Investigation Press Release 10-13-16


  1. "they are being charged . . . "

    Was there more than 1 student involved?
    The writing indicated only 1 student.

  2. This release contradicts the earlier release which stated the school would handle the disciplinary action.

  3. Disruption sounds like a misdemeanor, maybe terrorist threats would be more accurate.

  4. Sounds pretty lenient for a felonious act. Any suspension? If not, must be the child of a Good Ol' Boy.

  5. Another slap on the wrist! Look out for what is ahead from this student who got away with a threat and setting up more to come from others as well. Bad behavior deserves a proper punishment! GLAD my kids have graduated from this school system!

  6. A possible shooting? Sounds like a weak case with a contingent statement! More charges for nothing. Hope the kid gets a real attorney and not a public pretender! Any paid lawyer will beat this and return with a rights violation law suit!


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