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Friday, October 21, 2016

Winter outlook: Warm south; cooler north; murky in middle

WASHINGTON (AP) — Federal forecasters predict this winter may paint the U.S. in stripes of different weather: Warmer and drier than normal in the south, and colder and wetter than usual in the far north.

The National Weather Service winter outlook , issued Thursday, gets murky in the nation’s middle belt, with no particular expectation for trends in temperature or precipitation.

Still, some nasty storms might make the winter there memorable, said Mike Halpert, deputy director of the weather service’s Climate Prediction Center.

The major driver of the winter forecast is a budding La Nina, a cooling of the central Pacific that warps weather worldwide and is the flip side of the better-known El Nino, Halpert said.



  1. Gee just like normal.

  2. Equal chance means they don't have a clue

  3. Or they haven't decided yet.
    Weather is controlled.

  4. Wooly worms are saying mild throughout with no events.

    My dog says just keep the wood stove on and he won't crap in my room.

    My Ex Wife says my life will be hell for yet another winter.

    It's a toss up!

    1. Ha ha ha, you are a riot....love the predictions...

  5. Wonder how it's too hard to call Dan will predict?

  6. I like the Wooly Worm predictions...They are always right.

  7. My bunions predict better weather than worms or Dan. lol


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