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Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Wikileaks: Soros Memo Accused Obama of Fueling Radical Islam to Push TPP

A March 2016 email published Monday by the organization Wikileaks reveals that George Soros, in anticipation of a meeting with Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta, requested Podesta read a memo accusing President Barack Obama of emboldening radical Islam in Malaysia in order to get the Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement (TPP) passed.

Podesta received an email in March 2016 from Soros spokesperson Michael Vachon. “I have attached a memo on TPP and Malaysia, as it may come up when you see George and Alex [Soros, George’s son],” he writes. “In general I think George is more interested in talking about policy than the campaign per se, though I can’t imagine you won’t spend some time on politics.”

Podesta later forwards the attached memo in question to another Clinton campaign official.Subsequent emails seem to indicate Podesta met George and Alex Soros for dinner on March 15 of this year.

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