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Thursday, October 20, 2016

WikiLeaks reveals Obama’s line in the sand. You won’t believe what it is

It turns out that Barack Obama does indeed have a line in the sand – and it’s the WikiLeaks dumps that are battering Hillary Clinton’s campaign, and damaging to his legacy.

In a recent interview with "Meet the Press" anchor Chuck Todd, Joe Biden said that the U.S. would launch a “secret” cyber counter-attack against Russia in retaliation for their hacking into the DNC and other individual email accounts.

That threat may have translated into John Kerry asking Ecuador, which is hosting Julian Assange in their UK embassy, to sever the WikiLeaks head’s Internet connection. Ecuador has announced that it did remove Assange’s access to the web; the State Department has denied involvement.

Because WikiLeaks has numerous back-ups, the cut-off hasn’t slowed the steady release of embarrassing revelations about Clinton and her campaign.

If that is the sum total of Obama’s retaliatory repertoire, it is no wonder the Russians are acting with impunity around the globe.

If Biden is right, President Obama is moved to confront Russia not over hundreds of thousands being slaughtered in Syria – not because of the barrel bombs or chlorine gas – nor over Russia’s takeover of Crimea from Ukraine, with whom we have a security treaty.



  1. He's such a TURD!

    Everyone else realizes that the existence of the artifacts is the scandal - not who uncovered them! The fact they exist is the damaging part - whether Ed Snowden or Bill Gates found them!

  2. So the Democrats are willing to start a war because we finally got the truth about Hillary and her party?

  3. 1213 better to start a war than go to prison. After all, it's not Hillary and Obama who are going overseas to get shot up. They have people with heavy artillery protecting them. You find this all that perplexing?

  4. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3833844/Marc-Turi-says-Clinton-Obama-accidentally-gave-guns-ISIS-Al-Qaeda-Benghazi-attackers-tried-scapegoat-screw-up.html

  5. Tell your children to NOT join the military.


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