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Monday, October 10, 2016

Wikileaks Reveals Hillary Lied About Marines Rejecting Her Because She Was a Woman

For decades Hillary Clinton has claimed that back in the 1970s the U.S. Marines rejected her because she was a woman. But a look at some of the information released by Wikileaks reveals that the Democrat nominee has more recently changed her story and admitted that the Marines did not reject her because of her gender.

One of the earliest reports on Hillary’s rejection claim came from The New York Times’Maureen Dowd, who in 1994 reported Clinton’s claims as delivered at an event meant to honor military women hosted at the Capital in Washington D.C.

Dowd reported that Hillary told those gathered that she was rejected by the Marines because she was a woman. Dowd wrote that in 1975, the year she married Bill Clinton and when she was teaching at the University of Arkansas law school in Fayetteville, Hillary said she went to the Marines to see if she could sign up.



  1. Brian Williams lost his job anchoring NBC Nightly News because of this kind of embellishment. Hillary just keeps telling these stories, and she's going to be president. SMH.

  2. That nut job would not make a pimple on the back side of a Marine.

  3. Does the word Bam ? Come to mind ?


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