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Saturday, October 22, 2016

WIKILEAKS: Hillary Took Algeria Off Terror Watch List After Donation to Clinton Foundation

A new Wikileaks document reveals Hillary took Algeria off the US terror watch list after they made a hefty donation to the Clinton Foundation’s Haiti relief project.
How is that legal?

The Clinton camp was discussing Joe Scarborough’s discussion on the Algerian donations to the Clinton Foundation. The Clinton advisors defended the move in the email saying it’s “legal gray area.”


  1. Only if she didn't own the DOJ,FBI, and god knows who else. HILLARY FOR PRISON 2016!!!

  2. This is just too much.

  3. Even a blind man could see how crooked and wound up Hillary, her Department of State and the Clinton Foundation was all about "Pay To Play" For anyone to say 'it may appear to be illegal is just without any common sense, something it appears most people today have no idea what 'common sense' is!

  4. Obama said it was time for a change and is letting the most corrupt person in the country to run for president. It's unbelievable to me. ANYONE that had just ONE of these emails would be under criminal investigation by everyone. CLINTON has thousands

  5. 8:34 the problem with common sense is it ain't common it's rare and getting more so all the time.


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