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Saturday, October 22, 2016

WikiLeaks emails include list of Clinton Foundation conflicts of interest

Clinton Foundation employees engaged in numerous outside activities that put them at risk for potential conflicts of interest, emails made public by WikiLeaks show.

For example, Chelsea Clinton used her foundation office "to run a business" and another employee used "office space of a donor in [C]hicago."

The list of potential conflicts was included in an email from Doug Band, a former aide to Bill Clinton who helped build the Clinton Foundation before co-founding a consulting firm called Teneo Strategies.

In the Nov. 2011 memo, Band mentioned he was still employed by the Clinton Executive Service Corporation even though he had left the foundation to start Teneo. CESC was used to manage many of the Clintons' affairs, and was used as the vehicle to purchase services forHillary Clinton's private email server.


1 comment:

  1. I'm guessing the plan is to make it seem that Band was solely responsible for any shady dealings by the Clinton Foundation and Chelsea will be lauded as the righteous savior of the family reputation. (It doesn't help that Band comes across as a whiner).


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