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Saturday, October 29, 2016

Wikileaks Email: Clinton Operative Thinks "Black Voters Are Stupid"

David Brock accused of "elitist racism"

A new email released as part of the Wikileaks Podesta dump features Clinton ally Brent Budowsky accusing Hillary operative David Brock of having a plan that relied upon black voters being “stupid”.

The email, sent to Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta and another Clinton ally CEO Roy Spence, centers around a discussion of a Bernie Sanders campaign ad which featured “many black faces”.

Back in January, Clinton operative David Brock caused consternation within the campaign when he publicly claimed that Bernie Sanders didn’t care about black people.

Budowsky is not impressed with Brock’s outburst, writing in the email, “Brock makes the cardinal mistake of those who bring politics into disrepute with voters. He tells a lie that people will know is a lie, and insults the intelligence of black voters with a kind of elitist racism that Bill and Hillary Clinton should not be seen with.”



  1. If they or anyone else Black or White Red or Green or
    Yellow Votes for Hillary THEY ARE STUPID

  2. Democrats think they're always better than everyone else even though they make claims they're social justice warriors. Just a part of their packaging to make themselves acceptable to Middle America and the academics. Sad thing is, they historically never do anything for anyone but themselves. Their voting base is completely ignorant or naive to this rather unfortunate fact. 😊

  3. So Sad. This election will change forever how anyone running for office can act.

    TRUMP 2016


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