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Monday, October 10, 2016

Wikileaks: Clinton Foundation Chatter with State Dept on Uranium Deal with Russia

Top staffers for Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign got heads-up from a Clinton Foundation senior vice-president that the chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee was asking the Department of Justice to investigate the State Department approval of the sale of American uranium assets to a Russian company.

The email traffic is part of some hacked emails belonging to John Podesta, the chairman of Clinton’s presidential campaign. It was posted on the WikiLeaks website.

This thread of emails demonstrates the routine and intimate interaction between members of the campaign staff and the Clinton Foundation.

Sen. Charles Grassley (R-IA), in a June 30, 2015 letter pointed out the for a matter of such importance, nearly 25 percent of the country’s uranium deposits, the transaction was approved very quickly.

Maura Pally, who handles communications at the foundation sent Podesta the email at 12:18 p.m.

From: *Maura Pally*
Date: Friday, July 3, 2015 Subject: Grassley letter
To: Cheryl Mills , John Podesta < john.podesta@gmail.com>, Heather Samuelson , Huma Abedin
Putting on all of your radars that Grassley sent a letter to AG Lynch (dated June 30th though we just saw it) asking questions about contributions to the Clinton Foundation and the Uranium One deal. Letter is attached. Craig is connecting with comms team to be sure they are aware as well.


1 comment:

  1. We're still waiting for an explanation as to why Russia now has a 20% control of our domestic uranium assets, and why the Clinton Foundation has $$$$ from Russian donors while Hillary (falsely) asserts that Trump has something going on with Putin.


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