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Saturday, October 22, 2016

Wikileaks — Clinton Campaign: Strengthening Bribery Laws ’REALLY Dicey Territory’ For Her

The Clinton campaign struggled over data showing the public favors strengthening laws against bribery, noting that Hillary Clinton’s political record would make it difficult for her to champion the issue.

In an email to Clinton insider Neera Tanden, long-time Clinton loyalist and current campaign foreign policy adviser Jake Sullivan discussed a memo on government reform and public corruption and whether to implement the recommendations into the campaign.

“Strengthen bribery laws to ensure that politicians don’t change legislation for political donations,” read one recommendation in the memo.

Sullivan flagged it “a favorite of mine” but added, “as you know, but REALLY dicey territory for HRC, right?”

“She may be so tainted she’s really vulnerable,” replied Tanden, but noted that Clinton could try to cite her experience as a reason why things had to change.


1 comment:

  1. “She may be so tainted she’s really vulnerable,” replied Tanden, but noted that Clinton could try to cite her experience as a reason why things had to change.

    How flipping insulting. See I was a criminal, I sold out our country and got away with it, now let make a law against it so no one else can do it too?

    Infuriating. Anyone that votes for the POS is a POS too in my book. And that goes for my idiot coworkers, who said, well they are all criminals and they all do it may as well vote for her. Really? Really?


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