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Thursday, October 20, 2016

Wikileaks: Bill Clinton Boasts of Hillary's 'Working Relationship' with Muslim Brotherhood

In a speech Bill Clinton gave at the home of Mehul and Hema Sanghani in October 2015, revealed to the public for the first time by WikiLeaks, former President Bill Clinton touted Hillary Clinton’s “working relationship” with the Muslim Brotherhood’s Mohamed Morsi in Egypt as an example of her diplomatic skills.

President Clinton also gave his wife a lot of credit for negotiating the Iran nuclear deal, in a passage that began with the standard Democrat “stuff happens” shrugging defense for foreign policy failures:

Finally, we live in a world, as I said, that’s full of good news and bad news. The United States cannot control it all, but we need a president who’s most likely to make as many good things happen as possible, and most likely to prevent big, bad things from happening. You can’t keep every bad thing from happening; who’s most likely to be able to get people involved in a positive way. Even the people who don’t like the Iran nuclear agreement concede it never would have happened if it hadn’t been for the sanctions. Hillary negotiated those sanctions and got China and Russia to sign off – something I thought she’d never be able to do. I confess. I’m never surprised by anything she does, but that surprised me. I didn’t think she could do it. The Chinese and the Russians to see past their short-term self-interest to their long-term interest and not sparking another nuclear arms race.


1 comment:

  1. I am a conservative and proud of it. Also a "deplorable and irredeemable". I thought Trump was spot on last night except for a couple remarks that are typical Trump and he can't seem to shut his mouth when he should. I am not voting for Trump but for my conservative values which just so happen are next to the box by his name. What I don't get, is the liberals who feel it is "time" for a woman president. Seriously? Last night you saw what you are going to get; a lying and manipulative Washington insider who only cares about her own self interests and will maul the constitution and forever change our country. Democrats...how can you (in good conscience) accept that?


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