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Sunday, October 23, 2016

Who's Deplorable Hillary?

"Stealing a sign is a felony. I get that you libtards don't know that. So here are my efforts to lock up these women
Young ladies names are Robin Uicker and Grace Clemons"


  1. Guess they are showing the I.Q.s they have . Oink Oink

  2. We guess they are Dumbacrats ?

  3. Typical hillary Awipes.

  4. It's really sad when you think about the fact that they could actually wind up getting in more trouble than Hillary.

  5. They may think it's cool, or they ae making some high moral decision, but what they have done, and others continue to do, is wrong. It goes against the first amendment as well. You don't have to like any particular candidate but STEALING someone else's sign is not the way to express yourself. This election is serious. If Killary wins, we all lose and this country loses. It's just that serious. She is evil. She is a bad person. If she wins she will continue to do the bad things obammy has started and even expand on some of them. We will not survive with Killary in the white house.

    If you want to vote for someone else because of some moral or ethical reason, that's your right. But it will not help this country or its people. Think about it.

  6. Oh for Heaven's sake! Go share a cigar with Bill Clinton and get over it!

    PLEASE post THOSE selfies.

  7. all three know their IQ

  8. Robin use to watch our dog while we went on vacation.

    1. I know robin also and I'm shocked she is a thief!! I will never look at her the same.

    2. Robin is honest and a kind hearted person who is being smeared across the Internet for a harmless prank that she may not have actually taken part of. Please do the be to quick to think my friend.

    3. Stealing is a crime, they need to be punished for their crime. Stealing is an honest. And if she didn't want the backlash of what they posted on social media she probably shouldn't have stood in the picture and boasted about stealing someone else's property. And stealing isn't a prank. It's theft people go to jail for it.

  9. Apparently there just isn't enough to do other than steal other peopler's property. May I suggest a year of roadside trash pickup? I realize it would be a bit redundant, trash picking up trash! I think that, plus a hefty fine & a criminal record would be in order, since it's a felony. Has anyone heard of any Killary signs being vandalized or stolen? I guess Trump supporters have silly ol' jobs & might even respect others' property & right to their opinion. That's because most of her followers seem either ill-informed, uninformed, &/or afraid they'll lose their free stuff (which isn't free, but some don't have the intellect to figure it out). Oh, & IMO the women that are planning to vote for her simply because she's a woman are the biggest idiots & sexists in the bunch. I would have no problem with a woman president that's qualified & not a criminal; this one is neither.

  10. Now there's some real classy women.not

  11. If we know there names why hasnt the owner of the sign reported it to the police ??

  12. "Robin use to watch our dog while we went on vacation."

    If your dog is missing, I have a clue where it may be.

  13. They are not from around here. One says she is from Michigan the other Illinois.

  14. I am sure 3 chocolate sausages are hiding under the bed.Perfect liberal mudshark material

  15. So much for free speech. Typical liberal -- will fight to the death for your right to agree with them. But to say something they disagree with? Not so much.

  16. Looks to me like white trash. Trashy is as trashy does. Too bad their parents never taught them what they are doing is not lady like at all. Very very disgusting is what they are.

  17. Vladimir Lenin used to call people like that "Useful idiots"

  18. Out stealing signs cause they are too fing ugly to get dates.If they love Hellary soooooo much y not a selfie with her sign.Just three a-holes wasting their daddys hard earned money.

  19. Seems Robin and Grace don't understand the nuances of their candidate. For starters she's like them - criminals. Would dare say that these two idiots would be any too happy if someone took away their First Amendment nor will they like being raped by Muslim refugees coming to their community. Nor will they like the oppression of Islam on women. They deserve Clinton. And Hopefully, the law will hold them accountable for their crimes. Are these people local?

  20. Robin Uicker from Howell, Michigan

  21. Where was this because I know some Clemons from across the bridge and white trash is an understatement. They have always been thieves and druggies going back several generations. This is par for course for the next generation of Clemons.

  22. Rolly polly fat slobs unwilling to assume personal responsibility. Gotta have everyone else take over their personal responsibility. True asswipes sucking life from those who contribute to us all.

  23. This is what the future of our once great country looks like.


  24. I don't see any 'ladies' in the pic!

  25. I'm definitely going to steal their stuff. Not hard to find.

  26. I don't understand why they get the publicity
    Just urging them on. They don't deserve the attention.

  27. Third person is Charlie Scott, who is Grace Clemons' girlfriend. All are from Michigan.

    1. They are from Howell and are a disgrace to my home state.

  28. Robin is honest and a kind hearted person who is being smeared across the Internet for a harmless prank that she may not have actually taken part of. Please do the be to quick to think my friend.

    Sorry - if she stole then she earned the smears honestly!! And you my friend are a fool.

  29. So sad. Are these kids even old enough to vote? I doubt they understand the ramifications of this election let alone their stupidity at publishing this picture. Perhaps they did not get enough attention from parents.

  30. "Anonymous said...

    Robin is honest and a kind hearted person who is being smeared across the Internet for a harmless prank that she may not have actually taken part of. Please do the be to quick to think my friend.

    October 18, 2016 at 11:33 PM"

    Stop making excuses for garbage because that makes you a POS yourself. Being a thief or any part of thievery is NOT a harmless prank-EVER. For anyone to try and defend this only goes to show how low you have sunk.

    1. You are musguided if you think a felony is a harmless prank! How would you feel if someone stole $300 from you? These girls have proven themselves to be sneaky, dishonest, crude and truly stupid theives. They interfered with a presidental campagne. They have no respect and the fact that they are being judged all over the internet and now national news is because they were ignorant enough to break the law and arrogant enought to brag about it on the internet.

  31. A nice look at tomorrow's leaders.

  32. https://plus.google.com/107732449064136091137 Her Google+ account

  33. As a Republican Central Committee member who pays for and installs Trump campaign signs, this is illegal and must be punished. The culprits are young and ignorant and I doubt pay taxes... just like Hillary likes them...dependent and weak minded.

  34. Here is a link to the typical Hillary supporters Tumble account.
    I would bet her parents are really proud of her. http://shadows-fall-on-yesterday.tumblr.com/archive

  35. I am with Trump. Try a diet libtards. I guess fat ass is in wtf

  36. Is Robin Uicker the ugly fat one with glasses and her middle finger up or the other ugly fat one with her middle finger up?

  37. We know Robin. We kind of knew she fairly promiscuous but didn't think she was a thief too. Hopefully, she can learn from this and turn her life around.


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