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Sunday, October 23, 2016

Who won the presidential debate tonight? 10-19-16

Below are some links of polls you can click on and vote on who you think won the debate.   I will be adding to this list as I find additional polls.  If you find a different poll somewhere tonight please post the link and I will add it to this post.





  1. Kills me to say this but Hillary wiped the floor with him.
    Final nail in the coffin was Trump's refusal to accept the election results.

    1. She sure did. She makes him look like the idiot he is.

    2. Don't know what debate you watched

  2. Lots of people must have watched a different debate. Trump said he would make a decision when the results are in. He did NOT say he wouldn't accept it, but that's how the media is presenting it. #sheeple

  3. Trump was pretty good at dodging questions too.

  4. 11:23, I agree.I would not say I would take the results until they can prove the results are not rigged. how many dead people are going to vote. how many can vote more then once. I called the local branch and asked how can I be sure no one can use my name, date of birth and address. he keep saying that would not happen. but when asked how can he be sure. he just restated the same thing. but never said it won't happen. so I say trump did what I would do. he did not lie to us again. trump 2016 or hold on to your ass. (map)

  5. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Lots of people must have watched a different debate. Trump said he would make a decision when the results are in. He did NOT say he wouldn't accept it, but that's how the media is presenting it. #sheeple

    October 19, 2016 at 11:23 PM

    That's what I think too. Trump won it hands down in my opinion. She stood there and did what she always does, LIE. If she is successful in stealing this election this country is finished. 4 more years of obammy is what we get if she is in the white house.

    For the life of me I cannot understand how or why any sane person can support such a person. Some people want a woman president that BAD that they will ignore all the many scandals behind her? I don't have a problem with a woman president, just not THIS woman.

    Are people that offended by what Trump may or may not have said that they are willing to piss this country away on such a bad person? And answer me this, these things he supposedly said, decades ago, why did they come out now? In this age of litigation where everyone sues everyone hoping for a settlement and cash, why was he never sued? Several women's claims have already been debunked.

    This country is the last place on earth one can go to be free. When that is lost, as I believe it will be if killary wins, where will people go then?

    The sheep who blindly follow and support her, disregarding facts and common sense, THEY deserve a killary clinton and the hell they will have to live in. But the rest of us? We do not.

    1. Yeah..they're all wrong and you're the right one.

  6. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    She sure did. She makes him look like the idiot he is.

    October 19, 2016 at 11:39 P

    Stupid people should keep their mouths closed and not advertise their low iq's. Just a life tip for you.

  7. 10:56 Do you remember Al Gore "not accepting the results" in 2000? That fight went to the Supreme Court. Why is the media acting like Trump's decision to wait until election night to form an opinion is unprecedented?? If dirty deals are made on election night, Trump should fight it--just like the Democrats in 2000.

  8. Trump was clearly the winner on ALL the issues and the take-ALL winner of this debate, hands down.

    Brutal baby-killer, Islamic sympathizer, Illegal immigrant-loving Killary was/is the loser, has always proven to be a loser and always will be.

    Donald J. Trump for President!

  9. I didn't watch any of the debates, just a waste of my time. I vote based on facts nothing more nothing less.TRUMP is the only smart choice.

  10. Hillary played her part as a sleezbag lawyer..she sounded like a lawyer and acted like one..that said Donald did get some good ones in on her and was entertaining. Unlike steel panties Hillary, who tried to tout her Clinton foundation like it was an infomercial..sad.

  11. Doesn't matter who won. Everybody knew she was going to lie before she even got on the stage. She was using her "PUBLIC" responses. I'm sure she has been on the phone since the debate to all of her foreign donors explaining her "PRIVATE" position.

  12. everyone ignores the first 30 minutes which were the most substantive on both sides. Once he gave the question about perverted tapes, the substance on both sides went away. The foreign questions about Russia and Syria were difficult to answer in two minutes so they both rambled on those questions.

  13. Trump tends to favor using his time to bash Hillary (because who doesn't love doing that) rather than answering the question that's asked. She's much better than him at debating, she knows how to push his buttons...as well as all of ours. This was his last chance to grab those who are undecided and again he lost his cool.

    Also, 12:52 that was during a recount. You just stayed up after the debate and listened to the CNN commentators lol.

  14. I was on the fence but I am voting Trump. It became obvious that Hillary is a thief and a professional politician. I kinda agree with Trump what do we have to lose. This country is fast becoming a joke to the rest of the world. Hillary is lying about troops being deployed some of my friends have been activated. Ohbammy and the Beast enough said


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