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Sunday, October 09, 2016

When Will Salisbury Residents Finally Wake Up?

WBOC did a great job this morning announcing THREE acts of violence over the past two weekends. I, (and hopefully you) found it interesting however how the news of the other two attacks had been kept quiet two weekends ago and that information hadn't been released until today.

I had a conversation this morning with a friend who said, you've been exposing this stuff for more then 10 years now. They went on to say, if it wasn't for Salisbury News all of this would have been swept under the rug. They then said, the same goes with the Zoo. Do you think they would have said anything on the news about animals dying if they weren't afraid you'd be publishing it. 

Well, here's the interesting thing about the Zoo. If ANY of you believe that only one animal died at the Zoo you'd be crazy. There's no way the staff could be able to collect all of the prairie dogs as they burrow under ground and always drown during such floods. Nevertheless, I have been preaching for more then 10 years that the Zoo is around 95% in a flood plane zone and needs to be relocated. I stated this numerous times before they started spending some $5,000,000.00 on new buildings and infrastructure. Your local media stated the Zoo would reopen last weekend. I'm sure someone at the Zoo told them so. Now they're saying it will open tomorrow. I can assure you, the Zoo is an absolute mess and no one in their right mind will be going to the Zoo any time soon as the exhibits, (most of them) will be empty for a while. 

As for the VIOLENCE, let's get real here. You keep allowing affordable housing Downtown and guess what's going to happen! As it progresses, as the local media finally starts exposing the reality of violence, everyone is going to say sooner then later, where did all this crime come from. 

As my friend stated earlier, we've been exposing it for more then 10 years now. Believe me when I tell you, the majority of resident who have internet access do in fact come to Salisbury News, so it's not as if people haven't been aware. 

For years we had been considered the Anti Christ for actually exposing the truth, backed by pictures and documents. I have to say, I am very pleased the local media is coming out of their political shell and finally exposing the truth. 

Let me warn you right here and now. IF this violence continues, Salisbury University will start losing thousands of new Students as parents will refuse to put their children at such risk. So you people better wake up fast because your Liberal leadership with Barrie Tilghman, Jim Ireton and now Jake Day and their strong belief in delivering more affordable housing will absolutely destroy what's left of Salisbury. All because they want to see new construction and development because NO ONE else is stupid enough to throw good money after bad money in Salisbury. 

Much like the uphill battle Donald Trump will have to Make America Great Again, Salisbury is in just as bad shape and it's going to take someone very special to bring back Salisbury as a vibrant community again. Affordable Housing is Lipstick On A PIG.


  1. Maybe the local media is afraid to report these crimes , knowing how the BLM is now, they may retaliate on any of it's staff.
    Of course we know they have no investigating reporters these days and most of their news they steal from this blog or others. A very profitable way to get the news out , teleprompter . Did I say that ?

    1. Yep they are affraid of the sharptons and naacp but how long before white people SNAP.

  2. Funny how the government is housing predators near downtown and promoting businesses to lure prey to the predators. Where "revitalization" has worked it has been market driven. Where demand for a locations real estate drives property taxes high enough the predators are forced out. Examples are the "Atlantic Beach" area of Myrtle Beach and the 14th Street Market area of Manhattan.

  3. As someone who owned a building Downtown, the taxes are UNREAL and you get not one service provided. No parking, no trash pickup, nothing. Let's not forget, Affordable Housing units pay NO TAXES!

    1. Joe
      When SPD charges these cases like there supposed to,ie Hate Crime nothing will be done also there is a law in md inreferance to minors iut at night so why havent the parents been charged ?

  4. 8:01 LOL. Please, turn off the TV and leave the house on occasion.
    No one from BLM is coming to this putrid town.
    And the AA here are to lazy to assemble.
    Last time they did it they got a whole 15 people.

    I really can't believe you said that, and may believe that nonsense

  5. 2 black football players at Laurel high school jumped a white fellow teammate following their loss at Delmar and severely injured him...no reports

  6. The message implies that once "affordable" housing is allowed, that crime will increase in an area. One would equate "affordable" to mean "subsidized", thus bringing in largely black residents so therefore crime will automatically increase. I am sure there are those who would consider this racist but when something is true, how can it be construed as racist? I mean, come on, this happens over and over and over again. So why would it be racist? Well because the liberals and thug supporters want what's left of the middle class and decent law-abiding class to feel guilty so we will continue to supply our tax money to support them with nary a whimper.

    Its a known fact and reality that wherever there is subsidized housing ("affordable") there is going to be an increase in crime so for the life of me I don't know what the powers to be expect otherwise. There is going to be class warfare someday and its not going to be pretty. This country was founded on unfair taxing and people doing things in spite of the will of the people.

    And as far as the "attacks" on students - this has been going on for two many years. SU wants to keep it quite to prevent prospective students from bolting and giving itself a bad image despite the harm to the community and worse still, all of these are racially motivated. Hate crimes pure and simple yet no one talks about that. These animals get off on "white girl bleed" and all they are doing is making the racial divide even worse. It makes white people hate blacks and therefore racism comes into play. Thank God I live in the country where we are mostly unaffected but there is no way I am going to patronize Salisbury businesses downtown after 4PM and no way I am going near a school after classes are over and no way and I going to recommend SU for a "safe" school to attend.

    When is the community and taxpayers going to let their voice be heard? Who will rise up and expose this hate and racism instead of focusing on those loudmouth shrills who get paid for claiming black lives matter? God help us all.

  7. 9:22, You are very right in your comment. Funny how the EBT Blogger calls me a racist, yet he saw our article on this matter and immediately titled his article "Black Thugs". We never mentioned black on white, respectfully.

    However, it was a black on white issue no matter how you look at it. It was Salisbury News who first exposed the black girl hanging a black person in effigy while trying to make it look as if it was a white person who did it and they did not consider it a hate crime.

    Salisbury is desperately trying to stay out of the national news and I also agree that SU Police are covering up a LOT of stories about crime. Hence WBOC garnishing TWO other hate crimes two weekends ago.

    Affordable Housing does NOT mean blacks only. There are plenty of white people taking advantage of affordable housing. What I am trying to say here is, no matter if you are white or black or whatever, home ownership is extremely important. Homeowners care for their investment. Renters sometimes take care of their property but affordable housing people think it's someone else's problem.

    Let ANY Landlord reading these comments tell you their horror stories with affordable housing renters.

    Yes, building new complexes look incredible when they are first built. However, just give it some time. Look at the units in the County just off the west end of business Rt. 50. Heck, they're even tearing units down and actually building replacement units after what, 25 years?

    Liberals are no fools. They get elected, they encourage affordable housing and guess what, when it falls apart that elected official has either moved to Florida or is long forgotten.

    Salisbury residents need to WAKE UP! Then they need to hope and pray someone will come along with a whole new master plan/platform that will strategically rebuild the community. Good Luck with that!

  8. The facts don't have feelings and this is the real deal. We cannot continue to sustain this give-me-free meme every democrat seems hell-bent on keeping up. It is fiscally IMPOSSIBLE! You can't continue to spend when workers aren't working. You can't work if jobs aren't available to employ taxpayers. You Democrats are so vile and disgustingly poor in basic economics. All your feel-good inertia is just INSANITY! INSANE. It is beyond any sensibilities at this point. You're screwing up this country for social justice BS and it's got to stop!

  9. Screw BLM there's bigger things at stake. You people are absolutely ridiculous.

  10. Anonymous said...
    8:01 LOL. Please, turn off the TV and leave the house on occasion.
    No one from BLM is coming to this putrid town.
    And the AA here are to lazy to assemble.
    Last time they did it they got a whole 15 people.

    I really can't believe you said that, and may believe that nonsense

    October 4, 2016 at 8:33 AM

    I hope you are correct but I do not think you are.

  11. 8:17 AM

    Agreed. Subsidizing predators and punishing achievers!!!!

    1. The only people subsidized in Salisbury are Gillis Gilkerson and the slumlords. Over taxed and handed to people who do nothing to help this city. That is why there are no jobs, that is why there are no opportunities. Do you think someone would risk their life and freedom slinging crack if they could get a manufacturing job making $20+/hour? I can assure you they wouldn't. Remove the scumbag politicians and dirty government and the rest of the problems will fix themselves.
      Liberals want you to believe that government keeps society fair and just. The reality is that every movement for human rights is started by SOCIETY and government has to be dragged kicking and screaming into compliance.

  12. Thanks for bringing the animal needs to light at the zoo. I would never had thought about the burrowing animals.I hope they do something to change that.

  13. The University is a absolutely covering up these assaults they have not mentioned how many students received severe injuries or how many needed to be hospitalized with brain injures. They don't tell you that it will be months before they can try to attend school again. They are covering up that these are hate crimes motivated by racism. I have to wonder if they are getting paid by black to do this.

  14. What about the capt from eci that got caught on his 2_3 dwi, depending on who you talk to since his first got washed away, plus possession of cds and other charges but is still at work running a teir in eci. Come on. It is not what you do. It's not what color you are. It is who you know and who's back is not itching. True American justice


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