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Sunday, October 02, 2016

Was Hillary wired for Trump debate?

Internet goes crazy as images show possible electronic help for Clinton

Images have emerged following Monday night’s 2016 presidential debate between Democratic Party nominee Hillary Clinton and GOP nominee Donald Trump that are fueling widespread speculation online that Clinton may have been wired for the event.

And some say she may have been wearing a battery pack, an earpiece, a microphone and a wire.

Charisma News cited a Reuters image that it said appeared to reveal a flesh-colored earpiece in her left ear.



  1. Unfortunate that no one checked her for a wire.I hope that is can be avoided in the next debate. Hillary can't be trusted even in the simplest of circumstances. I would be embarrassed to have a Clinton sign any near my yard or on my vehicle. What a Deplorable person.

  2. Trump do the same please.

  3. Hillary was just doing what she always does lie cheat and steal, what a piece of garbage.

  4. I think that for the next debate that a frequency jamming device should be used. Just watch her twitch when screeches shoot out of that earpiece.


  5. The Clinton's are two of the most unscrupulous people on the face of this earth and will stop at nothing. They get away with murder and have always been above the law. If any of us did what they have done I can assure you we would be in jail and that is where she belongs.

  6. Getting her instructions directly from the NWO!

  7. They have left their fingerprints all over the FBI investigation and Comey has sold his soul. Talk about "deplorables"!

  8. She is wired on something and we will never know what until after the autopsy is finished.

  9. Not surprising she cheated. I think for future debates after they are on stage at their podiums. Someone should go to them and do a pat down. just to make sure there is no cheating going on.

  10. If you should decide to accept this mission, all evidence will self destruct, the same as in the past.

  11. Hillary can't do ANYTHING honestly!

  12. I've looked at several photos of her left ear at the debate. There are lots of shadows cast by and reflections from the harsh lighting and I'm not convinced that an in-ear device was present.

    That being said, it's not outside the realm of possibility that she had a behind-the-ear device with a tiny tube leading to the ear, camouflaged by professional makeup.

    It's worth saying, too, that her earrings have become progressively larger over the last few months. Hmm.

  13. You may as well realize that someone has to have their hand up her dusty old ass the same way Bill Clinton will. Who's going to tell
    what her lines are? Who's going to make ALL the liberal decisions that'll be her policy?
    Cm'on folks, she's flubbed EVERY job she's had and it DON'T get better
    with time.
    A good question would be,'Who'll REALLY run the show if in fact she's
    incapacitated for health reasons. BOY, will the liberal Dumbocrats have a field day with that. Bob Aswell


  14. Next debate Trump should come out with a TSA style wand and scan her before offering it to her to do likewise. Since it's political theater she'll fill her Depends.

  15. This is why I asked who was going to check / observe for a ear device before the debate took place. I am glad someone was observing. I don't understand why someone did not have a jamming device like 10:15 said. There should be someone with a jamming device at the last two debates. In my opinion that is a security violation since we don't know what it is. They can adjust the jammer to jam all devices except the sound / PA system of the commentator or the candidates. Nothing in the audience would be able to transmit or receive.

  16. that is a weight in her ear to make her lean even further to the left

  17. She is a robot. The wire is her charger. When she falls it's low battery. Simple explanation.

  18. Check her for wires in the next debate Tuesday.


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