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Sunday, October 23, 2016

Walk Salisbury is Tomorrow! (10-18-16)


  1. This is NOT a walkable or bikeable city. Friggin joke?

  2. Wed at 1PM? Are we supposed to take off work to go to this stupid thing? What, was he too busy on the weekend to be bothered with it? Awful, just awful.

    That goes to show you what he really thinks of the citizens to hold an event while most of us are at work.

    1. Take a late lunch, 5:56! Don't be such a downer!

    2. Maybe he didn't want you to come. LOL

  3. Greatest small city in America? LOL for what, heroine?

  4. He only said the word salisbury 11 times in 78 seconds. Is that a record?

  5. Why didnt he say walk DaBury?

  6. The one time you wish a bear was loose.

  7. @5:58, there is more good than bad in Salisbury. Look for it! 😊

  8. Jake day you are one clueless pt mayor who was holding the camera ur boy jim ireton ?

  9. lol did he say vibrant, thriving walkable city?

  10. 6:30 PM Sure I will give you the number to my work and you can explain to them. I am not on welfare like you, so my schedule isn't open.

    1. 7:01, I'm not on welfare, been working at the same place for 30 years. Sorry to disappoint your negative thinking. LOL

  11. 6:32 PM - made me laugh, but then so did this lame video.

  12. 5:56 PM - It is a welfare only event. They do not get up till noon anyhow so this is the perfect time for them.

  13. It must be incredibly frustrating to have so little control over your life and work schedule that you cannot arrange to have an hour free on a Wednesday at 1:00pm. Something tells me that if a NASCAR star was giving away free beer and hats at Lowes, many you would find a way to be there.

  14. Jake day welcomes you to DABURY where crime is covered up thugs assault you steal from you welfare is rampant our chief makes the best thug pizza college students are sexually assaulted and threatened our police are leaving in droves free elec free foodstamps free thug housing arts on the water aka welfare housing pt jobs one million restaurants no real jobs ,
    Dabury Welcomes you
    Jd aka JI

  15. 7:36 wins the comment of the night! ROFL

  16. 6:30 & 7:04. Well if you're not on welfare then you must have a government job or City Job. most of us do have to work and get paid hourly. Go Pack sand

  17. @8:12, wrong again. I just have a nice boss that lets me take an hour lunch. I hope you find a boss like that one day.

  18. ha ha ha, well I guess we all know where that troll 8:16 will be tomorrow at 1PM.

    Can't wait to see that that POS looks like!

  19. Who would want to ruin their lunch hour doing this idiocy?

  20. I wish Jake Day would go take a walk and keep on walking, right out of the picture of anything to do with Salisbury.


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