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Thursday, October 13, 2016

U.S. to seek criminal contempt charge against Arizona sheriff

Government prosecutors say they are seeking criminal charges against an Arizona Sheriff accused of violating a court order in a racial profiling case.

Joe Arpaio, dubbed 'America's toughest sheriff', allegedly broke a 2011 order barring the sheriff's office from stopping and detaining drivers solely based on the suspicion that they were in the country illegally.

In August, US District Judge Murray Snow recommended Arpaio, sheriff for Maricopa County, face criminal charges for ignoring court orders arising out of the ruling that he and his deputies were guilty of racial profiling of Latino drivers.



  1. This makes a lot of sense.... charge the Sheriff for enforcing the law and let Mrs. Clinton off for breaking the law.

  2. Government prosecutors, now that is a real hall of justice. None of them would qualify to pin on a shield of the good sheriff's department.

  3. Good luck with that. He is a brave and good man. God bless him. (map)

  4. He should be given a medal for serving his country where others have proven to be traitors.


    Keep cheering.

    It ALWAYS kills civilizations. From the beginning of time til now. But YOU think we are immune from history and it's lessons.
    YOU will be a victim. Quickly.
    I will take all of your food and water and may take up residence in your house.
    C'mon now. That's worth cheering.

  6. Maybe police shouldn't arrest the guy pointing the smoking gun over the dead guy because it might be "profiling".

    Y'all make sure you fill out all them tax, insurance, and license forms the way we want you to, though, to we'll have your are on a stick!

  7. Anonymous said...
    This makes a lot of sense.... charge the Sheriff for enforcing the law and let Mrs. Clinton off for breaking the law.

    October 13, 2016 at 11:50 AM


  8. While it is not his job to hunt down illegal aliens, the guy who has the job refuses to do it. It would be like a nuclear plant about to go into meltdown because the engineer fell asleep at the controls and the custodian runs in and averts the crisis only to be fired for not continuing to empty the trash cans.


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