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Thursday, October 20, 2016

Trump campaign: Donald Trump was putting potential fraudsters 'on notice'

A spokesman for Donald Trump’s campaign on Thursday said Mr. Trump’s declining to say whether he would accept the outcome of the election was the GOP presidential nominee’s way of putting people thinking about committing voter fraud “on notice.”

“What Mr. Trump was doing was very simply making the case that he’s putting on notice anyone looking to commit voter fraud or voting irregularities,” Trump campaign spokesman Jason Miller said on Fox News.

“It’s important that we have strong integrity at the ballot box, that we have strong integrity in our elections, and that’s simply what this was about,” he said.

Asked at Wednesday’s debate if he would accept the results of the election, Mr. Trump said he’d “tell you at the time” and “keep you in suspense.”

His Democratic rival Hillary Clinton called that response “horrifying.”



  1. When you have George Soros' son in law owning the ballot machine companies it's not hard to believe Mr Trump.

  2. GO TRUMP! Down with Clinton's, down with Soros, down with Obama's.

    Heaven doesn't want them and Hell is worried about their inability to be consumed in the fires!


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