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Thursday, October 13, 2016

Trump Campaign: 'Deeply Disturbing' Hillary Clinton May Have Revealed Classified Information in a Paid Speech

Donald Trump’s campaign is responding to a report that Hillary Clinton may have revealed classified information about Osama bin Laden during one of her paid speeches.

WikiLeaks revealed the allegation.

“The revelation that Hillary Clinton may have revealed classified information about the Bin Laden raid in a private, paid speech is deeply disturbing,” stated Trump’s senior communications adviser Jason Miller.

He continued: “Coupled with Clinton keeping classified information on an easily hacked secret server with a subsequent cover-up, shows Clinton has such a disregard for classified information that one has to wonder if she would even be able to receive a security clearance should she be elected president.”

Miller was responding to a recent report in The New York Post suggesting that Clinton potentially disclosed classified details relating to bin Laden’s raid.


1 comment:

  1. Hillary has some very serious boundary issues.


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