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Monday, October 24, 2016

Trump: A better candidate than Reagan

Exclusive: Scott Lively sees worldwide impact in 'populist vs. globalist' war

Many of the people announcing an intention to vote for Donald Trump are adding a disclaimer to distance themselves from his unsavory comments or actions of the past. I’m not going to do that. In my view Donald Trump is today a far different and better man than the one who threw his hat in the ring at the start of this election cycle. I credit that to the unprecedented level of public vilification – the “borking” of Donald Trump – he has endured and appears to have been transformed by.

Whatever his worldview and the context of his past experience might have been, and regardless of the level of his sincerity at the beginning of his campaign, this man has made himself the spokesman for numerous positions and values that Christian conservatives (at great personal cost) have advocated for years. He hasn’t just pandered to us, he has walked in our shoes these past months, going far beyond the minimum necessary to align himself with us, and he has learned firsthand what we have endured at the hands of the Marxist elites. And through it all he hasn’t been intimidated into caving and pandering to the left like every other champion we’ve put our hopes in – including the otherwise stalwart Mike Pence in the Indiana RFRA debacle. Trump’s transformation is the best example of personal growth and maturity in a public figure that I’ve seen in my lifetime.


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