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Thursday, October 20, 2016

Trump Ad Attacks Clintons on NAFTA, American Jobs Disappearing

The Trump campaign released a 30-second TV ad simply titled “Deals” on Tuesday, one day before the final presidential debate.

“Our economy once dominated the world. And our middle class thrived. Today, jobs are gone. Factories closed,” the ad says, blaming bad trade deals on the Clintons.

Trump will renegotiate the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and cut taxes to make it easier to re-open manufacturing centers on U.S. soil, the ad says. Senior Policy Advisor Peter Navarro in a statement:

The Clintons have influenced every bad trade deal over the past 20+ years. From NAFTA to TPP to shipping our jobs offshore to China, this is the economic disaster of our time. It’s a politician-made disaster with the names of Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton and Barack Obama all over it. We can’t afford any more of Hillary Clinton’s ‘leadership’ on this issue. Donald Trump on the other hand has a plan to cut taxes, reduce regulations, crack down on the trade cheaters, and renegotiate every bad Clinton trade deal in order to put American workers first.



  1. I used to work at Airpax in Cambridge. I know first hand that NAFTA, GAT, AND CAFTA caused me and the rest of us, including many in lower, middle and upper management to loose their jobs.
    At first they sent the jobs to Mexico, then to China for even cheaper labor, and finally what was left of the office jobs, were sent to India, and to their Corporate office in Massachusetts.
    I blame both parties for this. Both Clinton and Bush. Both parties voted for these trade deals. They were bad for the works, and bad for this country. And they still cannot understand why so many of us are angry?

  2. 134
    I'm with you on this topic.
    However, we must blame the correct people.

    It is the international bankers who OWN and CONTROL both political parties and all of their employees.



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