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Thursday, October 27, 2016

Thousands of rape kits go untested in Maryland

Despite a years-long, national push to collect, process and catalog DNA evidence from sexual assaults, police in Maryland have left more than 3,500 rape kits untested.

Advocates for rape victims say that number shows that police are not investigating all complaints of sexual assault thoroughly.

"More than any other crime, sexual assault survivors are often disbelieved or blamed for what happened to them," said Ilse Knecht, director of policy and advocacy for the Joyful Heart Foundation, a national nonprofit that advocates for counting and testing all kits. "That definitely plays into this process of not fully investigating cases. There sometimes is a bias that comes in that kind of shuts that door too quickly, and those cases are just put on a shelf."



  1. I guess those rape kits are lower priority I mean with all the tickets for speeding that would go unwritten..... $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ is what it's all about. Cops won't enforce what isn't profitable... traffic court takes up so much of their time. Time that they get to sit on their @$$3$ and do nothing versus actually cleaning up the area.... if they would spend one week sitting at wawa by the hospital they would be able to catch a ton of these poison slingers but again jail time isn't a quick buck like a speeding ticket is.... what say you Lewis? Exactly how many phone books does it take for you to get on that high horse of yours?

  2. You are a complete moron.... BTW if it's so easy then why don't you put an application in to your local police department and show them how it is done???! Complaining doesn't solve anything :)

  3. GET with it people. Rape is a crime, after all! Afraid somebody of color or illegal status might go to jail? God forbid!

  4. If they don't worry about unsolved homicides and disappearances in Maryland and right here in Wicomico County what makes anyone think they care about rapes. This county and state don't care about yesterday only today, I am sorry for the families of all the victims.


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