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Thursday, October 20, 2016

This is the nail in the coffin. She sickens me.


  1. whats your point and who is this person and why do we care, other than she is an idiot. Does she work for the press, because this is a classic word twisting.

    Why aren't they publizing all the Rosie tweets, they call Trump crude, you should read the crap coming out of her mouth.

  2. Also her fact-checker was wrong... the court case she cited was about DC's Citywide ban on firearms and only mentions toddlers as a side minutia not the full scope as she claimed. Once again, Clinton spins things to match some false narrative she's pushing. She been quoted as saying she will do away with the Second Amendment with Executive Orders.
    See: District of Columbia v. Heller
    The Short Version (also note: no toddler was cited in this description as per Clinton's litany during debate): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/District_of_Columbia_v._Heller

    Obama is setting to do this due to House Republicans not following his hysteria: http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2016/06/21/white-house-obama-profoundly-frustrated-ready-executive-action-guns/

    Supreme Court: The issues here is, traditionally, Democrats will not interpret the Constitution as per the Founding Fathers, as they use their positions to do what's called Judicial Activism. This is not the legal responsibility of the SCOTUS as they do NOT make our laws, Congress does. Their ONLY responsibility of SCOTUS as mandated by the Constitution is to uphold said Constitution. Period.

    Bear this in mind:
    Not too long ago, Obama pressured ATF to reclassify Wetted Nitrocellulose as explosive materials. Hence, this interferes with people and manufacturers from getting materials to make ammunition. Ask anyone who makes their own bullets or call an ammo company and they will confirm this.


    Fact: Criminals will always get guns regardless of whether or not they're legal. As citizens, don't you deserve the Constitutional RIGHT to protect yourself, family and property in same manner?

  3. Even though I am ProChoice, late term abortions are not acceptable. Ripping a fully developed child from the mother's womb is just disgusting, immoral and murder. Clinton is definitely not in this for the kids. Hillary will never get my vote.

  4. Do as I apply my answers not the meat of the answer and how I believe. They can't stay on the tracks they have laid, always off course.


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